Billy - Silver

Bluey Episode 4-6 Reaction

Bluey | 9 months ago
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  1. jemx27
    9 months

    Also they didn't build the store for bluey, hammer barn is based off our big very popular hardware store called Bunnings Warehouse so for bluey they changed a few stores to hammer barn and sold a few items you see in the ep like bluey and bingo's gnome husbands. We are also getting a bluey world/land that I'm so excited for though it may be a few years, And all the places they visit in the show are real life places in Qld!

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  2. jemx27
    9 months

    The cereal Bingo is eating is Nutri-grain, A big staple in an aussie life

  3. jedssm
    9 months

    08:28 I'm from Brazil, and here we also have government incentives to films and animations

  4. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    one of my all time favorites. used to play this in the back office when my mom worked fast food.

    Expand 1 reply
    1. Commenters avatar
      9 months

      oops this was meant for the star wars gameplay ha

  5. Radar
    9 months

    You takling about Snickers talking like Boomhauer makes me wanna see you react to King of the hill

  6. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    America does have credits or other tax incentives for making entertainment, it’s just decided by the states, so some states have more or less depending on what they want.


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