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Bluey Episode 10-12 Reaction

Bluey | 9 months ago
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  1. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    Yes! I love watching Bluey with y'all. It's so chill and unexpectedly funny. I don't think I'd watch Bluey on my own, so it's nice to see more reactors check it out. :)

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  2. jemx27
    9 months

    Also the little bulldogs name is Winton, he's one of my faves 

  3. jemx27
    9 months

    I love all the little details, like the rainbow lorikeet sounds in the background cause it's in the arvo and they are everywhere then. this show just does so good with showing what it is to live in Australia. also those pink and grey birds are galahs and you also were close with cockatiels, they are more common as pet birds. cockatoos are pet birds as well but you see alot more of them in the wild. and my step dad would always know when and how much rain was coming because he would spot the black cockatoos and count how many there were. 


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