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Ben 10 Alien Force S3 Episode 7-8 REACTION

Ben 10 Alien Force | 1 year ago
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  1. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I'm liking this better than season 2 so far, and I thought even that started strong in its first half

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  2. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    The whole point of the Highbreed destroying the universe was because they could no longer reproduce due to their pure blood. So they decided that if they were going to die out then the whole universe would go with them. Mutual assured destruction at any cost.

    Then Ben used the omnitrix to diversify their DNA and revertilize them so they can now freely reproduce.

  3. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    The way they reacted in the hand episode makes me think they just completely forgot the first 2 episodes of the season with vilgax. Where we've seen Kevin being able to shift his body into weapons and we saw Ben get Diamondhead back

  4. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    They probably did have bombs on other planets the only one that went off was the one on earth because of the earthquake not because they set them all off I would assume after this incident they would remove the others

  5. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    The whole point of the high breed war was to wipe out all life before they died out, it was a war of mutually assured destruction. The failsafe plan existing makes sense in that light. And the high breed accepting the impure one because of the seal just means that they do value their own culture and ruling structure as much as their genetic purity. The issue with that episode is how long after the high breed war it takes place. It should have been sooner or not at all tbh.

  6. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    this season was made to be more like og ben 10, with random episodes rather than a long story. Thats also why they made ben less mature and more cocky. On the otherhand, the season before this is considered a fan favorite because its a long story line. Its funny how you guys didnt like the previous season, and like this one more. I guess thats also why you like og ben 10 more. If i recall tho, you guys did a poll on patreon and the vast majoroty of voters said alien force is their favorite ben 10 series. Goes to show different tastes exist

    Expand 1 reply
    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      Yeah, criticism from us, isn’t a criticism on the viewer. People are allowed to enjoy some things more than others.

  7. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Love the reactions, but I think some of your nitpicks are just you guys forgetting things, not consistency issues. Kevin has been shapeshifting since he mutated. Also og ben 10 had many weird things like the arm moving stuff.

    Expand 1 reply
    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      Nah it’s consistency issues

  8. lightning63
    1 year

    Also you three aren't known for having the best memory lol

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    1. blitz1126
      1 year

      theyre gonna need to start writing notes like blindwave. no hate but they're memory has always been extremely bad without hman.

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      1. Commenters avatar
        1 year

        That’s probably not going to happen. Hman is able to remember cause he never speaks lol

  9. lightning63
    1 year

    You guys missed Gwen saying that the earthquake set off the failsafe so the ones on the other planets wouldn't have gone off during this episode.

  10. lightning63
    1 year

    The shape shifting are supposed to be part of the mutation from the start of Season 3.

  11. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I am pretty sure Kevin shape shifted his hand in the last episode too. He has been doing it since the start of the season. What's funny is that I dont think you guys were suprised by it when he did it for the first time

  12. ghost0427
    1 year

    Kevin has been able to alter his hands every since he mutated into the new form

  13. wynosaurus
    1 year

    I have watched the original series many times, i’ve rewatched Omniverse many times. I’ve never made it through every episode of Alien Force, I have LITERALLY never seen the Hybreed bio-titan episode in my life and I think that says something. I still have omnitrix toys, I have ben 10 comics and games, but I just don’t vibe with Alien Force to the extent that there are still episodes I’m seeing for the first time even a decade or so after it aired. Ben 10 is like the opposite of a bell curve, the best episodes are at the beginning and the end. Though Ultimate Alien has it’s fans and is really good in some spots.

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    1. saitama002303
      1 year

      definitely I agree. I've watched omniverse at least 8 times but alien force and the ultimate didn't give me the same excitement. Somethings about them are just don't feel right to me, completely different levels for sure.

  14. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Hman would have remembered that Kevin’s been doing minor shapeshifter stuff since the accident in the first episode this season.

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year


  15. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I agree with your criticism about Ben not being consistent with it's logic and just because it's a cartoon doesn't mean it can't be criticised for it. The only time I agree with this is when a show explicitly runs on looney tune logic like Gumball. Hell look at Adventure Time. It's a chaotic show too but it always has a rhyme and reason to it's logic.

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    1. blitz1126
      1 year

      issues with having multiple writers with different visions and CN ruining the pacing.

      but i do think theyve been setting themselves to hate on certain aspects after the last season. most of the critiques are valid but some things come off as nitpicks.

      but ye while the series is definitely weird, i think it was also a product of its time since series like teen titans also had those moments imo.

  16. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Kevin's been shape shifting since he got messed up by the omnitrix explosion

  17. wynosaurus
    1 year

    13:54 y’all forget after the accident with bens watch that mutated him he can shift his limbs. He turned his metal arm into scissors when they were trying to get Spider-monkey back in the watch

    Expand 5 replies
    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      That's not the only episode he's shapeshifted in too.

    2. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      Really loving up to the name of the channel this episode

    3. blitz1126
      1 year

      at this point theyre just asking to get spoiled, with all these questions and accusations. ik the writing has been rly flawed recently but they kinda overanalyze small things then forgot big plot points.

    4. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      Yeah it's bit new he's done it a few times this season like when the aliens escaped the omnitrix or when they fought those mole cow things also the entire highbreed invasion was one big kamakazee mission they didn't wanna let other races outlive them so they were gonna wipe out everything so sacrificing one hybreed seems on brand with they petty military strategy

    5. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      It’s weird how all three of them forgot that.

  18. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I can’t help it.

    I like the hand episode.


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