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Ben 10 Alien Force S2 Episode 2 REACTION

Ben 10 Alien Force | 1 year ago
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  1. Commenters avatar
    5 months

    Ruff: he’s ok he has Alien X 

    Ah spoken like a true Ben 10 fan lmao

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  2. ariel_warfare
    10 months

    Ruff: "Alien X is a god!"

    Boom: "Yeah, but just like the real one apparently he don't do SHIT!"

    I love Boom so much.

  3. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    i was gonna be like "argit is kevin's dad, yo. alien x & him made kevin" then "trans raven??" then finally, oh..

  4. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    “Space police are just like real ones”

    LOLLL love it.


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