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Avatar The Last Air Bender S3 Episode 1 Reaction
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 2 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 3 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 4 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 5 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 6 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 7 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 8 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 9 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 10 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 11 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 12 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 13 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 14 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 15 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 16 REACTION
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It's wild how this show has two of the most incredible fight scenes in anime history while not technically being an anime. Fun fact, the entire reason Azula's fire is blue was for this fight, the idea was to have their fire visibly distinct for this fight.
They were also made blue to visually distinguish that she was a prodigy and much more skilled than Zuko.
That's not actually true. Her mastery of firebending made her fire burn hotter, hence the blue flames.
Oh just so you guys know, around the 12:30 mark, the chakra was locked when Azula shot him down with lightning. He mentioned that in the first few minutes of the Day of Black Sun when talking to Toph.
That game is old they're just releasing it on newer platforms
every person I've seen complain about korra complained about it at a very particular time that made it seem like the exact same weasely complaints about yamato from one piece
Notice how the music in Azula vs. Zuko is sad.
It’s two siblings who have to fight each other; I just love that attention to detail.
This has got to be the best animated show I’ve ever watched.
Notice how the music in Azula vs. Zuko is sad.
It's two siblings who have to fight each other; I just love that attention to detail.
This has got to be the best animated show I've ever watched.
One of the best things about this show is that no matter what ever reactor no matter who they are are near silent during Zukos and Azulas agni kai.
So when are you guys going to watch the avatar the last Airbender shorts?
I think it's kinda funny that until the very end, you guys thought they were going to be LITTERALLY using the comet to smash stuff, rather than just have their bending amplified by it ???
But, to be fair, I first saw this show when it originally aired and have watched it like once a year since then. So, my perspective on how throughly they explain the comet stuff is pretty scewed lol. The only real hint they droped saying that it will just amplify firebending is the ep where Ozai says "it will give us the power of 1000 suns" ot something like that.
wait netflix cut out scenes???? which scenes?
They did not.
And here we have what I think is the biggest cop out they gave to aang. Spirit bending to remove someone's bending abilities.
Every last avatar told him that he had to man up and do his duty by killing the fire lord, even the airbenders who were raised exactly like him. They just gave him a mary sue level power with no real effort.
Aang was always my least favorite character in the first series and I got sick of people treating him like he could do no wrong after Korra came out.
That's not really as big a cop out or "Mary Sue" as you think lol. Why do you think the bridge between both worlds wouldn't be guided by a being that has existed since the near beginning to restore balance to the world? Aang was literally meditating prior to being guided towards the Lion Turtle too. It wasn't out the blue "oh hey i know this haha", he was bestowed by this spirit. Not sure why you find such a thing that unfathomable or hard to believe. Calling him your least favorite character is wild but that is your preference, and people do not act like he cannot do no wrong. Stop these strawman arguments just to prop up Korra lol. Every character has their shortcomings and that's what humanizes them. This, however, can be seen as a deus ex machina, but to imply that something like this can't happen to the Avatar is hilarious
Please please watch Screen Junkies' Avatar: The Last Airbender Honest Trailer. It so good
It is funny who they recognise from previous episodes.
Not reading through all the comments to see if this information there, so if I'm repeating stuff, sorry!
I've heard nothing but bad things about the Quest for Balance game. I've been playing the gotcha game since it came out and that actually might be better than the console game they made... Like the dev team was working directly with Avatar Studios and adding in some new canon material, until they all got laid off and we don't know what's happening with the game at the moment, kinda in limbo.
There's a live-action movie made by M Night Shyamalan. I did see that mentioned above. Only watch it if you want to torture yourselves, but totally record it so we can watch you hate on it.
The comic you definitely want to read right after this series is The Search, that would be the story of searching for Zuko's mother. And I think it's the first after the end of the series chronologically.
There's also a Lost Adventures comic that's full of small random adventures that took place in the background of the show itself.
There are a bunch of other comics too, The Rift, The Promise, Smoke and Shadow, North and South. These are all collections of issues you should look into. There's also a comic coming out featuring a solo Azula story, and another one featuring Iroh and Jun working together.
There are currently 2 books about Kyoshi out and another 2 about Yangchen, the airbending Avatar Aang spoke with. A book about Roku was just announced as well.
There are multiple feature films being made to release over the next few years. Some people are apprehensive about the live action Netflix series because of how well (not) the Shyamalan movie did.
Korra as a series is awesome. They had a lot of hurdles to jump through for production, like it being greenlit and then canceled before being greenlit again repeatedly, so if you keep in mind that the creators had no idea if there would be another season or not for the first 2 seasons, that helps assuage some of the complaints people have about the series. The two shows are very different, I honestly don't like to compare them. Just think of them as very different shows set in the same universe.
Okay, that's enough out of me, glad you guys enjoyed AtLA as much as the rest of us!
Azulon: "That's fucked up, Ozai. That's my grandson you're talking about"
Also Azulon: "As punishment, you must kill my grandson"
It's so funny how the airbender Avatar was actually the one closer to straight up saying "kill the bastard", closer than even Kyoshi. Be decisive, active or just can mean other things but "you need to sacrifice your own spiritual needs" when your spiritual needs are 'not killing people' is very straight forwards ?
You're actually right. The 'Zutara' hints WAS the creators poking fun at the ship. They said they planned Kataang from the get go and didn't want a love triangle with Zuko. That's why the first time it's properly brought up is during Ember Island's play, an episode completely filled with Easter eggs and meta jokes already. This time it was June's own running joke more than anything though. First time she met Zuko in season 1, she was joking and teasing Zuko about Katara being his girlfriend that ran him off because she was too pretty for him.
I highly doubt Ozai was scared of Zuko. Only thing that guy understands and respects is power, so he respected Zuko finally confronting him and speaking his mind even if he disagreed with everything. I don't think he allowed that because of fear or love, but purely because of the strength he showed.
She's the best sandbender I've ever seen.
I'm glad The Boulder is pleased with this ending, although it is not over.
Definitely read the comics. There are those that take place after "The Last Airbender" and after "Korra." They are so beautiful and well thought out that I actually felt like I was watching the show again. The writing IS so good. One is even about what happened with Zuko's mom. (The movie sucks, but it would be fun to laugh and cringe at for that kind of reaction.)
Anyways, I'm really glad you guys enjoyed it as much as you did. I knew you'd love it. It is also one of my top 5 fav show. <3
I will never stop commenting about how good Ty Lee’s arc is. She went from running from home so she didn’t spend life as “one of a matched set” to joining the Kyoshi warriors who all look identical. She found herself and recognized that being different is ok, but so is being similar to others.
Did anyone ever tell you guys about the 3 Avatar Chibi shorts that they used to play during commercials back in the day?
It came up on my Youtube algorithm just now and thought I'd share links! (I think these were around s2???)
Regarding the word "Avatar", it's a concept from Hinduism, meaning the physical incarnation of a god, neither Jim Cameron nor this show's creators can trademark it haha
Zutara was the first ship with a "Ship week" where they would come out with fanfics, fanart, fanvids, etc. They were the biggest ship of the show for the longest time, and to this day, there is still a war between Kataang and Zutara shippers. But Zutara does have the support of both Mae and Dante. Dante is actually the self-proclaimed captain of the ship.
can you guys please react to these avatar fan songs by divide music "no way out-Zuko song" "find your way- Uncle Iroh song" and "move mountains-toph song"
Hahahaha that Ace Ventura rhino reference killed me
YES! Read the comics, they explain everything that happened in-between Korra and Aang, this is why people get confused when they watch Korra because so much has changed.
the fight with zuko and azula is by far my favorite.
i think ko was in the real world and was a massive threat to the world in his time
Avatar fans are not starved for extra content these days. Everyone has already mentioned the comics, but there are also novels written about Kyoshi and Yang-Chin that are worth reading. You could also check out the bluray extras which include three mini "chibi" shorts and the unaired pilot where Katara is called Kya (The name was later recycled for her mom). As well as an animated graphic novel that takes place between books two and three where Aang talks to some of his past lives and the origin of the Dai Li is explained.
azula has her own inner turmoil/trauma tbh
THE BOULDER approves of this. Thank you for giving us this story. I Thoroughly enjoyed every second of your reactions. Thank you for doing it, now I'm really excited for Korra
Yeah definitely check out the graphic novels, they are a great continuation of the story.
Top of the must read for the comics, IMHO would be "The Search". Follows up on the story of Zuko finding out what happened to his mother.
The reason why I subscribed and applied membership to Sorta Stupid (Nani no Anime) was because I had so much fun watching everyone's reactions to this show that I have loved so much for years. Somehow, it felt like I was watching a show marathon with friends, while I ate my treats and snacks. ATLA is a very splendid show itself, but it became more unique when I re-watch it again with you guys! Looking forward!
After SeeohKnee's confusion about why James Cameron's Avatar has no connection to ATLA, I went to Merriam-Webster to get the dictionary definitions of the word for this post, but it also had a "Did You Know" paragraph that I think is more useful:
Avatar derives from a Sanskrit word meaning "descent," and when it first appeared in English in the late 18th century, it referred to the descent of a deity to the earth—typically, the incarnation in earthly form of Vishnu or another Hindu deity. It later came to refer to any incarnation in human form, and then to any embodiment (such as that of a concept or philosophy), whether or not in the form of a person. In the age of technology, avatar has developed another sense—it can now be used for the image that a person chooses as his or her "embodiment" in an electronic medium.
Basically ATLA uses something closer to the original definition of the word, whereas *MILD SPOILERS* James Cameron's Avatars were artificial bodies used by humans via a technological link that resembled the native species on an alien planet. They were closer to the online version of an avatar.
The fun fact I've heard but can't 100% confirm is that the newer definition of the word came about because in the old Ultima series of computer RPGs you played the character of The Avatar who was the embodiment of the eight virtues of the game world. I can confirm that your character is called the Avatar in Ultima 4 and up, but I've only ever heard anecdotal evidence that this is where the idea of an electronic representation being called an avatar comes from.
I dislike Korra, but I'm usually not vocal about it at all. XD I just stopped watching it and called it a day. Not sure if I can stomach watching you guys react to it, 'cause of how much I didn't enjoy watching it myself, but... Who knows. Maybe I can get around to it one day. XD
I def would love to play as Sokka or Toph, but that's basically it.
Paused at about 27 minutes in to address the whole "when did showrunners start paying attention to fans and fan theories on the Internet" discussion. The answer is basically "since there's been a commercial Internet". Seriously, back in the mid 90s shows like Babylon 5 and Buffy the Vampire Slayer were paying attention to what fans were saying about the shows online and teasing fan theories.
A random assortment of thoughts:
Here's a fun fact: This is the only episode of Avatar: The Last Airbender to use a full orchestra for its soundtrack instead of MIDI files like the other episodes used. They, especially the composers (Jeremy Zuckerman and Benjamin Wynn), had been wanting to do this for a long time, and the timing just so happened to work out that they could do it for the finale. (This is according to the commentary track for the episode.)
The Lion Turtle has actually been getting hinted at since the first episode of season 2. The general in that episode wears pauldrons with a lion turtle motif. Several buildings, especially in the Earth Kingdom, also have lion turtle designs in their architecture. Master Piandao, who trained Sokka to wield a sword in season 3, also has statues of lion turtles in his courtyard. And, of course, there's the time Aang found a drawing of a lion turtle in the Owl's library in the season 2 episode "The Library".
This episode was originally only supposed to be three parts, but, as they were working on it, the staff realized they simply weren't going to be able to fit everything into just three parts, so, to avoid making things feel rushed, they added a fourth part and created additional scenes to fill the time. This is why this season has 21 episodes while the others only have 20.
The reason the Avatar: The Last Airbender movie ("There was only called The Last Airbender (which came out in 2010) was to avoid confusion with Cameron's Avatar movie (which came out in 2009). There was about a six-month difference between the two movies.
This finale aired as a 2-hour movie at the end of a week-long (Monday through Saturday) event called "Countdown to the Comet" where they aired a brand new episode of Avatar every single night, starting with "The Western Air Temple" and ending with "Sozin's Comet". They aired one new episode per night, with "The Boiling Rock" airing both parts combined like they are on Netflix.
This finale continued to air in its complete 2-hour format for several years after it originally aired. While there are versions of the finale where it's been cut up for syndication, Nickelodeon seemingly did their very best to avoid doing that. Notably, this and the rest of the series were always broadcast in order, even in reruns. For example, if there was a 2-hour block of ATLA reruns at 3pm every weekday, you could always count on those four episodes being aired sequentially, and you could always count on the next four sequential episodes being aired at the same time the next weekday.
Two more things: The face of Avatar Kuruk's girlfriend that's shown in this episode is the same face we see Koh show Aang in the season one finale when Koh said that one of Aang's past lives tried to slay him. Aang asks him why "I" would do that, and Koh responds, "Oh, it was something about stealing the face of someone you loved."
There are statues of Avatar Yangchen in some of the Air Temples. One in particular that I remember is shown when Aang and the Guru are meditating to unlock one of Aang's chakras.
Be sure to read the graphic novels. They are canon and start at the last scene of the show. They are a great sequel and fill in some gaps between if and Kora.
The Iroh reunion scene really encompasses everything that's great about this show. Well, except for the dynamic fighting choreography I suppose. But everything else for sure.
Easily my favourite show of all time! From start to finish it was perfect.
I think if you guys want, you could make one of your next shows the one shown in the up next on Netflix "The Dragon Prince". It's made by some of the team members from ATLA and features Jack DeSena (Sokka) voicing the main character.
The reason they keep bringing up the Zuko/Katara pairing is because a lot of fans back in the day shipped them together, in spite of them not really having any romantic chemistry. It's a nod to that.
The thing to think about is that Avatar isn’t just good on its own. Think back to shows like Amphibia, The Owl house, Steven Universe, She-ra, and so many others, and think of how they were inspired and influenced by ATLA. It has a lot of differences from DBZ and One piece, but it is arguable similar in how much of a cultural phenomenon it was
As someone who was there when the dark magic was written ... Zuko and Katara heavily became a fan theory in the break between season 2 and season 3. After the scene in the crystal cave under ba sing se, fans went wild with the theory. The references to it in season 3 are 100% the creators poking fun at the fans for going crazy about the theory from 1 cave scene.
Korra is not bad. Korra is different. It is a beautiful story. It deals with so many emotional issues that I will not spoil. ATLA dealt with spirituality, morals, genocide, grief, growth. Korra is no exception. I really think you will enjoy it. I saw Avatar when I was in 5th grade as it aired. This show was my childhood and I will always promote the whole series. Korra too. BTW yes there is a comic that deals with the aftermath of the finale and Zuko finding out the truth of his mother. There is also a Avatar Kyoshi and Yan-chen book series.
Man, whether this is the first time I see this finale or the 50th, my facial expressions always get sent on a journey!
There are PLENTY of graphic novels, some Free Comic Book Day comics, and those Yangchen/ Kyoshi novels.
The Shyamalan movie is both a rite of passage and a cursed movie-- honestly, it is better if you just watch it with no sound.
The James Cameron Avatars always get memed because the sequels are "Way of Water" and the next one is something about "Fire" and you could argue the first one was totally "Air". That might be what Eric was thinking?
Also while we're talking video games, I heard they were doing Ninja Turtles the Last Ronin as a "God of War" style game in development soon. So that might be something to look out for!
Besides for future movies an shows, there are multiple series of ATLA and TLOK comic instalments, as well as The Chronicles of the Avatar's Kyoshi and Yangchen books.
here take more of my money
You guys need to check out Elca Gaming four seasons, they are making a fan created avatar game that looks 10 times better than the quest for balance, seriously the scale is insane.
You have to watch M. Night's movie while on the weeds. Just to make it bearable.
I do hope you guys watch the live action movie, it's a rite of passage to those who finished the series.
Korra is really good but its also hampered by a lot of things outside of its control in regards to how the network went about greenlighting seasons. I'd say it's not anywhere as consistent as ATLA but when its on the ball it hits really hard. There are also a few writing choices that def splits the room fandom wise but can get into that when we cross that bridge.
As a quick little side note, Zutara vs Kaatang is such an iconic ship war that it almost feels more like a case study than anything else at this point. I was a kid when it was really bad so wasn't exposed to the worst of it but the fact that people still argue over it to this day says a lot about how much people hyperfocused on it.
Korra isn’t bad, I’d argue it’s pretty good, but it is unquestionably not as good as TLAB, so I think a lot of people got a sour opinion of it because they kept comparing it to the first series, and that’s an extremely high standard to hold it to.
There are six in total. Start with…
1. The Promise
2. The Search
3. The Rift
4. Smoke and Shadow
5. North and South
6. Imbalance
*** Make sure to buy the hard cover versions***
These are where you will figure out what happened to Zukos mom!!
Absolutely buy the hardcover versions, good suggestion. The writer commentary in those are awesome.
It has genuinely warmed my heart all these months seeing you guys enjoy this series as much as you did. Definitely my favorite reaction from you guys of all time!!
Really hoping we see Korra at some point in the near future
Comics! Please! They answer stuff and are just such a fun time!
Before y’all react to Korra, it would be great to see you read the comics and react to the shorts
Hey there, love the love you have for this show. I've been waiting to share the following video with you since i saw it a month ago. "I've certainly never used violence to take a life" its worth a laugh
Avatar The Last Airbender is definitely in my top 10, awesome reaction all, Korra avatar is equally as good in my opinion cant wait for more reactions
So yeah like you said, Korra haters are just hella loud, but its an objectively fantastic show. Just keep one thing in mind. It is NOT meant to be Avatar 2. Meaning, this story you've just finished, is over. These characters are not gonna be the focused, so don't expect the exact same cast with like a couple new characters. Expect a complete refresh. It's still in the same universe and it's in the future, but Aangs story is done. Just approach it like that.
I don't think I seen anyone else post this but I seen a cool theory as to why Aang was undetectable by the shrew thing when he was on the lion turtle. I don't know if this is just a theory or confirmed by someone or what, the theory is that lion turtles have been around for sooo long, that the shrew can't detect their smell because they smell just like the earth. And that they're so pungent that their smell completely masked Aang's, rendering him invisible to the shrew.
Pretty damn cool theory, it makes a lot of sense that an old being smell would blend in with the earths. :))
There are graphic novels that fall after Avatar before Korra and graphic novels that continue the story after Korra as well! You don't HAVE to read the novels before watching Korra to watch the show. You could totally just read it for fun in between or after.
I'm super excited for Korra though! It is very different bc, it is set like you said, after Aang is dead. So pretty far into the future. And while Korra is the avatar she's a totally different person in a different time period. So you just have to go in expecting it to be a new story in the same world instead of a continuation~
BTW the show at the end by the credits has soka's voice actor. And is generally a good show too.
Yes they have avatar comics. They have some for korra as well when you finish. They’re nicely done and it feels like it’s a part of the show imo. Such a worthwhile read if you care about the characters and how things go from the ending. I especially love what they end up doing with azula so ;pp
PLEASE READ THE COMICS IN-BETWEEN ATLA AND THE LEGEND OF KORRA. THEY PROVIDE SO MUCH CONTEXT AND DEPTH TO THE WORLD BEFORE YOU BEGIN THE NEXT SERIES. Major changes happen to this wonderful world and it helps you truly appreciate the fantastic job these people did on creating one of the best media creations ever!!! Glad you guys loved it and cheers to what comes next! ???
Please watch My Hero Academic and/or Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood next!!!!!!!!!
The very first word in ATLA is "it's" and the very last word is "perfect" and it sums up the show completely "it's perfect" also If anybody can watch that Iroh/Zuko scene without shedding even a single tear then that's a heartless person
Very excited for the Korra reactions, and I do highly recommend the comics. The Promise, The Search, Smoke and Shadow, North and South, Imbalance, they're all great and bridge the gap between Airbender and Korra. Whether you read them before or after Korra, doesn't really matter, but I will say, as someone who's been a fan since season 2 of Airbender was airing, that read the comics after Korra and seeing things get pieced together was really fun.
I do feel the urge to give the same notice I gave in the last video, though. Season 1 of Korra is a complete story, while 2, 3, and 4 were written after because Nickelodeon decided to greenlight more seasons after Season 1 was finished production. There's a lot of ways Nickelodeon screwed over the show behind the scenes, but I'll go into the details as they arrive. The show, itself, though, is superb. Beautiful art, great characters, and great stories in each season.
"This came out before the internet era."
Oh Ruff. If you could only know the hours and hours I spent on Avatar Fanfiction in 2005-2010. Zutara forever!
Can't believe you guys finished. Been a hell of a journey and I have enjoyed every minute. I watched this show religiously as a kid and I am so glad you enjoyed it.
This was a fun watch, glad you guys enjoyed it. Every reactor I've seen went through the same thing with Korra, a vocal minority said NO, they watched it anyway and loved it. ATLA is better arguably, but Korra is great.
can't wait for the next fight against airships in Korra you know the part with the spirit tree and old lady.
Aang unlocked that chakra at the season 2 finale, he meditated, silently apologized to Katara and let her go as he went into the Avatar state, but then Azula shot him. The damage she did is what had since locked him from the Avatar state, his chakra path was severed.
Yes there is a very loud minority that dislikes Korra and when I say they are loud, they are loud. I have seen one reactor straight up drop the show after season 1 because of the hate they got. Please stick with it. Like I said before, as a whole ATLA is a better show but there are moments in Korra that are among my favourite moments in animation and I can't wait for your reaction to it.
You should definitely watch Korra at some point. And definitely consider watching Samurai Jack! Its fantastic. It came back for a final season and it was rated R. So freaking awesome!
Omg Boom you need to read the Kiyoshi novels by FC Yee. There are two of them and they are Young Adult so there is some graphic moments. They are so good. Then you can read the Avatar the Last Airbender comics that take place after the series. You can also read the Avatar Yangchen book (also bt FC Yee)
So…are we gonna get Korra on Tuesdays now?
So in more detail. The Current chronological for the Avatar Verse is this. So Little Avatar history note that I guess is sorta minor spoiler? The Avatar world often breaks up parts of its history by it's Avatar's prior to the 100 year world. So Before the War the era would be the Era Of Roku. Events prior to the 100 year world are referred to as BG. Or before the Air Nomad Genocid and AG or years after the genocide. So the events you just watched would take place in 113 AG as Aang says the show took place over a year making him 13. The following novels are focused on events over 100 year BG. Follwing two Avatar's you met this week!
The Dawn of Yangchen And Legacy Of Yangchan - Two Novels telling a story set during the life of Avatar Yangchen. The Air Avatar before Aang.
The Rise of Kyoshi And Shadow Of Kyoshi - Two Novels telling a story set during the life of Avatar Kyoshi. The Earth Avatar before Aang.
Now onto the Aang stuff. The following are one shots and not must reads but very short and fun if your a big fan,
The Lost Adventures - Takes place during the show and is just fun one off's.
Katara and the Pirate’s Silver - Fun Katara solo story during book 2. Almost a lost episode.
Suki, Alone - Suki as a prisoner in the Boiling Rock prison during the events of Book Three: Fire.
Team Avatar Tales - More one offs but this one as stories from after the show.
NOW. THESE ARE THE BIG ONES! These provide context for the state of the world during The Era Of Avatar Korra and all events occurring around 170AG. Please note these do not fill in everything. Flashbacks and upcoming content like the new movie about an older Aang will add to this context but they do help get a feel for what Korra is dealing with. They do not have to read before Watching Korra. But they do set stuff up.
The Promise - Taking place a year after the war. Avatar Aang, Fire Lord Zuko and The Earth King. Must tackle the Fire Nation colonies. Who does that land belong to? What of the families that have kids with fire and earth nation parents? Some of these places have been under fire nation control for over 90 years.
The Search - Fire Lord Zuko teams up with Team Avatar and his sister Azula to find his mother. What happened to Zuko's mom? Find out here.
The Rift - Avatar Aang and Team Avatar face a changing world as an old spirit foe of Yangchen's returns for revange on humans. Toph faces her father.
Toph Beifong’s Metalbending Academy - Toph has opened a school?! How is that going for her now?!
Smoke and Shadow - The Fire Nation isn't fully happy with there new Fire Lord. Aang and Zuko attempt to resolve conflicts both physical and spiritual.
The North And The South - Katara and Sokka return home to find the South Pole has changed with the help of Paku and the north and Katara is confronted with great change in her life.
Imbalance - Aang and Team Avatar race to resolve rising tensions between benders and non-benders before a town is torn apart.
Azula in the Spirit Temple - is an upcoming Azula book. No idea if it's good.
THEN It's just my favorite Avatar. Korra's show.
The Legend Of Korra - Taking place during the Era Of Korra. The Legend Of Korra follows Korra. The Water Avatar after Avatar Aang as she must maintain balance in the world with the help of her friends. She has a lot to live up following the legacy of an Avatar as great as Avatar Aang. But I think it's a pretty stand out show. It's different and tells another story that focuses more on it's lead ATLA did but I find Korra to be one of the best leads to any show I've ever seen. She's no Aang but wouldn't that be boring if she was!
There's several comics for The Last Airbender, including some material post show, but before Korra. And some Korra comics as well.
In terms of novels, Avatar Kyoshi got two novels, and the author of those did two novels for Avatar Yangchen as well.
As for the internet talk:
I had my first computer with internet in like...92? 93? Trust me, the internet's been there for ages. And there have been fanboy arguments on the internet, shipping, etc since the 20th century. Animaniacs in the 90s poked fun at nerds and their issues with continuity. And even if it wasn't seen via the internet, conventions have been a thing for decades. They 100% knew about people shipping both Aang/Katara and Katara/Zuko (and about 60 other ships not listed) when writing season three.
It’s such a good time for you guys to get into Avatar! There’s so many things announced and coming up!
I have never watched Korra. but if they watch it guess i will too
Korra is so good! It's not the same show but if you like Zuko you'll like Korra's arc
You did not compare Zuko's arc to Korra xD.
I watched it, i lived it as a kid, hated it as a teen, jury's still out as an adult. That said, the only reason I really disliked it was the worldbuilding decisions they made that felt way too white for me as a filipino.
Id recommend both the kiyoshi books. They’re a little more intense than this show but a similar level of quality. Also the second book for yangchen just came out today. I recommend them all
You guys ask so many questions that'll be answered in Korra. Just be patient ??
There is a Comic series that continues the story where it left off with Zuko looking for his mother
There are comics that take place in each seasons as anthologies. Then there are comics that take place after the show like the promise, the search, the rift and smoke and fire. Also I know there are some comics that take place after korra.
I can confirm that Ruff is correct the comics and graphic novels are in fact canon. They do explain what happened to the crew over the years before Korra. Korra also references many things from these comics but personally I feel like watching Korra blind without the context of the comics. I waited to look up stuff from the comics after finishing Korra but you guys can do whatever you feel is best.
**Edit: meant to say I feel like watching Korra blind without context was fun but it's also fun to see the little easter eggs they put from the comics.
There are novels and comics
The sad thing about Avatar Kuruk was that he was one of the youngest Avatars to die (in his 30s I believe) and was considered a failure and not because of a fault of his own. The Avatar before him, Yangchen had neglected the spirits during her time and left a huge mess. Kuruk spent his entire life fixing that and then took the blame so as not to tarnish Yangchen's legacy.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE REACT TO THE LIVE ACTION MOVIE, you all need to suffer just as we have
korra an amazing show its just ATLA is just a perfect show
Yea back then when this aired the pair of katara and zuko was very popular but that pair was never an option so the creators were basically just trolling
ngl I dislike how they handled Azula in the comics. Sure she's a psycho but she's also a very tragic character: Mother feared her, father was manipulative and just plain evil, friends were afraid of her. By the end she had noone. She deserved more than 'stereotypical crazy person' imho, Ozai was an adult man who made his choices, Azula was a 14 year old following her only role model.
the scene with Zuko and Iroh destroys me every time. even just thinking about it can get me emotional.
we have seen spirit attack the physical realm
I made a comment back during the puppet master of how Katara adapting other bending styles into her fighting and in this finale during her fight with Azula you can see that she adapts fire breathing into her fighting! Also damn Ruff really gut punched me with my age by implying that 2000s internet was small with fandom communities cause twitter/tumblr didn’t exist yet ?
I’m regards to zuko and katara, I believe it was supposed to be the pairing but I think Nickelodeon overhauled that decision and had it be Aang and katara, if I remember correctly
*Spoiler for Korra*
Im pretty sure Bryke never ever planned it; that said they really, REALLY wanted there to be a love triangle, but with Aang, Katara, and Toph (when they still planned for her to be a male character. You can see echoed of that plan in TLOK's first season.
nah the creators and writers have said it was always supposed to be aang and katara and actually zuko was supposed to have no love interest. Mai was made specifically for zuko. popular rumors have said otherwise but no the head writer and creators have consistantly said it was katara and aang from the start
Nah, that's a rumor that has existed for awhile now. The creators of the show confirmed in an interview and other places that they were never intended for each other. ( "Michael DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko have said elsewhere, such as in the book adaptation Sozin's Comet: The Final Battle, that they never intended for Zuko and Katara to end up together." )
Yeah, it's been a problem of cartoons (especially at the time) to add love triangles for no reason. I'm glad there's been a shift toward having better written romance subplots rather than just filling the show with moments for shippers.
*TLOK spoilers*
that's definitely one of TLOK's weaknesses because Bryke really wanted it, but Ehasz vetoed it, once he was gone they wnet with it in Korra.
Ugh, as writers those two were just so lost without Ehasz.
And we all saw how that went. Iconic but for arguably the wrong reasons.
I do not think that's true, I'm pretty sure the creators wanted kataang from the get go. A lot of the staff, and even Zuko's voice actor, were BIG on zutara however.
I'm so excited for yall the watch TLOK.
Finally, after so long! Really needed this today after working long overtime.
Here we goooo
I ain’t gonna lie, I mainly bought the Patreon membership so I didn’t have to wait forever for y’all to finish this on YouTube. But I guess I gotta keep it for Korra too lol. I was basically rewatching this series with y’all for the first time since I was a kid. And this show holds up so well. The finale is so epic too. I’m sad they never followed up on Zuko’s mom in the show after this. But it’s in the books. This is probably one of my favorite all time shows. And I’m so glad y’all enjoyed it so much too.
Fun fact there was a small fan theory for a bit where if AANG hadn’t ran away and lived through his cycle of the avatar state, Katara would have been the next avatar, because the next avatar is a water bender from the South Pole, and katara was the only water ender left alive in the South Pole at that point
i think another popular theory was that yue was supposed to be the next avatar, which was part of the reason why she was born comatose. because technically she would've supposed to be an incarnate of the avatar spirit, but aang was still alive and frozen in the iceberg so it disrupted the cycle, which is why she had almost died at birth
SeeohKnee out here predicting Korra events ???
Please for the love of everything good in the world, do not watch the old ATLA movie. It does such a bad job at tackling everything it was deemed a sin by the internet collective.
There is no movie in Ba Sing Se.
god what a horrible take... You honestly think its so bad that it somehow taints peoples memories of the show... Its somehow so bad that it retroactively makes this show bad...
It's kind of a rite of passage
That's exactly why they should watch it. It's so horrendous, that that creates an entertainment value by itself. Even if it's just for the rock bending scene. (If you know, you know)
I saw it in theaters.....It was torture. Absolute, literal visual and auditory torture.
Gosh i was in middle school and saw it in theaters for a Vacation movie choice. I was super excited. I think it was the first time i realized movies could disappoint me.
Nah they should suffer like we have
i think they should watch it because it would be funny seeing their reactions to it
Let’s gooooo! It’s here