Avatar The Last Air Bender S3 Episode 1 Reaction
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 2 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 3 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 4 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 5 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 6 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 7 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 8 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 9 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 10 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 11 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 12 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 13 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 14 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 15 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 16 REACTION
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I get why people underestimate Ozais abilities, because he has so little screen-time. But think about the moment during the Eclipse, where only a slither of the sun is showing and Ozai just needs a fraction of a second to charge up his lightning, while Azula and Iroh take 10 times as long under normal circumstances. Also Azula learned everything from her father, so Ozai has to be even more skilled then her. In fact I think Ozai is the most powerful bender in the royal family, even better than Iroh.
awww the kitten is so cute but guys i love avatar thanks for reacting!
hakoda is a non-bender
"I don't think it's about getting closure, I think it's about getting revenge"
"Maybe that's what I need. Maybe that's what he deserves. Now I know he's out there, I feel like I don't have a choice"
"You do have a choice. Forgiveness"
"That's the same as doing nothing"
"It's not. It's easy to do nothing but it's hard to forgive"
"It's not hard. It's impossible"
The fucking dialogues in this 'kids' show. I'll never understand how it is on Nickelodeon.
Don't take that personally, Zuko. Katara takes every opportunity she gets to come up with the topic of her dead mother.
i love that confrontation between zuko and azula
Before when they fought Azula would have the upper hand because she was more disciplined and Zuko was to filled with rage, now by this episode we see the growth and Zuko applying what he learned from the dragons while Azula starts to unravel ?.
Ahh, my absolute fav episode of the show. Glad you enjoyed it as well!
C'mon guys they've said that Katara was the only water bender born to the southern tribe recently since the beginning.
"I'm afraid I'm not taking prisoners today." Such a savage and chilling line. Kya dead. Period.
You guys need to remember: Katara is the ONLY remaining waterbender from the entire Southern Tribe (which itself only consists of about 20 women and children, plus the men attached to them who went off to war).
Okay but imagine having absolutely zero context and finding out the girl who you've been pursuing for almost a year can just control the blood in someone's body. Zuko had to be thinking 'damn she took it easy on me all this time?'
I love how well they play these issues where you fully understand both why a character is acting like they do, and why it's a bad idea for them to do it. That said, she better go apologize to Sokka for that "you didn't love her as much as I did" line.
So this episode will have the only innuendo that’s so obvious it’s slapping you in the face XD
Sokka got LAID
So yeah, to put in context, Kitara was the one to find her mother's most likely burned body at such a young age. The level of trauma that alone would create is something I can't imagine. Let alone later finding out she died in place of you.
Katara ran to find their father and he went back to their house together with her. It's arguably very likely that Hakoda went in there alone, given that he ran back knowing that his wife was in danger. It stands to reason he wouldn't just bring his very young daughter with him to face an attacking Fire Nation soldier.
Katara and Sokka's father is not a waterbender just so you guys know only water benders is katara and Aang
Yeah, Hakota and Sokka are waterTRIBE, but not benders. Only Katara was a waterbender in the southern tribe, she was the only one.
I think you guys mixed words "the worst" and "the best", when you were talking about Azula, but it's okay
You guys can't forget that not everyone is automatically a bender. Bending is genetic, so some people have it, and some don't. The people who don't have bending are stuck that way. It's not something you can learn. Since Katara is the only waterbender in the Southern Tribe, both Sokka and their dad are obviously not benders. Suki isn't a bender either. I loved the fight at the beginning of this episode because you could see how much Zuko has progressed in his bending. When we first saw Zuko try to fight Azula in season 2, he couldn't compete with her at all. Slowly, throughout the show, Zuko has gotten better and better when they fight. Now that he has the knowledge of the Dragons, he's coming at her with a whole new motivation. Like, in this fight, he straight up stalemated her. She didn't curb stomp him like she has before.
*Hakoda and Suki don't bend shit once in their multiple appearances in the show that often include fights*
Sorta: "Yeah, I'm sure they're benders"
XD, I don't get their thought process sometimes.
50% genetic 50% spiritual we've seen twins that include bender and non bender plus other stuff
It's true, Azula is a way better villain she is so much more threatening than Ozai.
So theory time
They were not looking for Katara that day. Some people I have heard suggest the idea that they were Looking for Hama that day, because the timelines could have lined up. That is also why the order was to kill not imprison because they assumed they could blood bend. Since they were looking for an adult water bender when they heard Kya was the water bender they assumed she was Hama. If she had said Katara was the last water bender who knows if they would even believe her because she didn't even match there description. Maybe the order could change to kill them all, or maybe they take Katara and leave, who knows really.
Exactly, there's absolutely no way they could know that a very young child was the last waterbender. I believe this theory 100%
....That theory is bunk on its face because the timelines don't line up in the slightest bit! Hama was taken SIXTY years ago. People who think they were looking for her just haven't taken the time to actually THINK, let alone do any actual math. The only working theory here is that because of Hama's bloodbending they decided to kill any waterbender they found, rather than take her alive.
But you're forgetting that Hama escaped. They easily could've assumed she just went back home. They knew they had gotten rid of all the waterbenders when Hama was taken, so when their source told them there was one waterbender in the South Pole, they probably assumed it was her. To people who take the time to actually THINK, this makes sense.
But how could they have assumed the water benders could bloodbend if they hadn't captured Hama yet? Hama invented bloodbending
My theory is that they weren’t looking for Hama but Hama is the reason why they weren’t taking prisoners anymore. She caused them enough problems and escaped, so the Fire Nation probably stopped taking Waterbender prisoners.
it makes sense in a way, but idk that would have to mean Hama aged A LOT in comparison to Hakoda cause Yon Rha already seemed pretty old during the raid.
...No, it doesn't make sense. It's very specifically because Hama was taken sixty years ago that proves this theory isn't just wrong, it's stupid. The Fire Nation wasn't looking for a specific individual during that raid. They only knew that they'd been told there was one waterbender left. For all they knew it was a man.
I think your confusion lies with assuming the theory is talking about looking for Hama the FIRST time. When in reality the theory is likely talking about them looking for Hama long after she already escaped. It's not a stretch to think they assumed she went back home. It's not a stupid theory when you take the time to remember that Hama managed to escape and that she's from the Southern Water Tribe.
The theory unravels though when considering Hama's age. If you accept that they weren't looking for Katara due to them believing Kya who is obviously not a young girl, then you have to accept that they weren't looking for Hama either because Kya is very obviously not 70+. The fire nation only knew that that there was a waterbender, and nothing else, it's the only explanation that makes sense as to why they accepted Kya's lie as she was very obviously not a little girl or an elderly woman.