Avatar The Last Air Bender S3 Episode 1 Reaction
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 2 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 3 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 4 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 5 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 6 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 7 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 8 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 9 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 10 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 11 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 12 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 13 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 14 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 15 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 16 REACTION
X-MEN 97 Episode 1-2 Reaction
(Gold) Black Clover – Sword of The Wizard King
Danny Phantom S3 Episode 1-2 Reaction
Ben 10 S3 Episode 1 REACTION
Smiling Friends Episode 1-9 REACTION
(Gold) Evil Dead (1981) Movie REACTION
Castlevania Season 1 Reaction (Boom Solo)
First Time Playing Murky Divers
Batman vs Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Reaction
Ben 10 S2 Episode 1 REACTION
Shrek Movie REACTION
(gold) How To Train Your Dragon Reaction
I Was Totally Wrong About Him – Red Dead Redemption 2 First Playthrough – Part 2
JoJo’s Part 2 Episode 1-10 (Ruff Solo) REACTION
Pokemon: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew Movie Reaction
Season 1 Aang ? Season 3 Zuko: "At least we have air"
Fun observation: The original firebending form, the dancing dragon, was a dance. Meanwhile, in the modern Fire Nation, dancing is frowned upon, like we saw in the headband episode.
I've never thought of that!
Okay, Sean, your predictions have been on POINT! How?! Lol
This is the man that immediately guessed the main plot twist of Steven Universe. Dude has a gift.
I don't feel like going back and rewatching all the episodes, but... have you guys ever watched the end credits? The song the Sun Warriors play just before summoning the masters is a slightly longer version of what plays over the end credits. From your reactions it seemed like you were hearing it for the first time.
Just so you guys know, Zuko can technically do that rainbow fire you see Ran and Shao do. He does it in the comics a few times. There's also a fan edit where during key moments his fire colors swap to the True Form colors
Fun fact about this episode. Prior to learning from the dragons, Zuko would grunt whenever he firebends. After this episode, he is able to find peace in his firebending and he doesn't grunt when he fights anymore.
Never noticed that ?. Good catch, and as he said he is not driven by hate or anger anymore.
My only problem with Netflix joining the episodes is that it causes confusion for basically no reason. The names of the episodes already have "Part X" to indicate that they should be watched together. Joining them just ends up changing the numbers of other episodes, with basically no benefit.
Tbf, that's how Nickelodeon aired them ?.
Boom: “Performance Anxiety?”
I think you mean, ‘Firectile Dysfunction’ heh
Please watch Korra after this, I might be one of the few who like it better than the original but the reactions to it would be really fun.
Definitely one of the few ? Still had some amazing moments/arcs. Book 3 Korra one of my favs in both series.
You're definitely one of the few ? *
Last time I looked Legend of Korra was wining the poll.
"We don't like your intro." Actually, I going to request one thing. When y'all get to "Episode 16," which is the big finale, please sit through the full intro. Not only the show opening, but also the entire "Previously On Avatar" Segment, as it is the best and sets the tone for the episode VERY well.
"Fusion!" Wait, did Boom just make a DBZ reference? Aww, mah boy knows things.
I thought he was referring to Steven Universe since they also dance before fusing!
That's intentional. The fusion dance in Steven Universe is based on DBZ. Rebecca Sugar, the creator of Steven Universe, is an anime fan so there are tons of references in the show.