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Avatar The Last Airbender S2 Episode 19-20 REACTION

Avatar The Last Airbender | 2 years ago
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  1. ariel_warfare
    11 months

    One cool detail I love about this episode: If you watch at the 29:30 mark, Zuko pulls the fire upward as if he's waterbending rather than the aggressive blast firebenders, and Zuko specifically, are known for. This leads back to Iroh's earlier lecture about learning techniques from all four Nations and applying it to your own bending.

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  2. agentnu11
    1 year

    This episode reminds me of Luke leaving Dagobah and Yoda in order to save his friends.

  3. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Loved the reaction, could've used more discussion, but the Zuko gut punch has always been devastating, so we can forgive. Dying to know what y'all said to each other afterwards though.

  4. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I never truly felt that Zuko was really happy in the semi-finale. I think in his moment of indecision in the previous episode, he overcorrected. He started playing the complete counterpart to himself, which as you know from watching season 3 so far, isn't his real self. He started playing into exactly what Iroh wanted for him, and started catering to Iroh's desires rather than confronting his own. This is obviously neither of their faults. He was always going to relapse. He needed to confront the things that were truly holding him back, and these were things he was never going to find away from home. He needed to confront his father, and to confront the role he and his country were playing in the world, which he could only do when he had what he wanted and realized he still wasn't happy.

  5. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    lol "how's your mom and them" both of them are dead hahaha


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