Avatar The Last Airbender Live Action Episode 1 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender Live Action Episode 2 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender Live Action Episode 3 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender Live Action Episode 4 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender Live Action Episode 5 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender Live Action Episode 6 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender Live Action Episode 7 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender Live Action Episode 8 REACTION
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"that's just racist" lmfaoooooooooooooooooooooo Boom is so fucking hilarious lmfao ajsdjjasjsddsjdasa
That was so good!!
I'd give it a high 7 but like they said zuko and iroh definingly carried the show for me at least.
Casting 7/10
VFX 10/10
Soundtrack 9/10
Direction 6/10
Writing 4/10
Overall I'm hopeful for book 2, but hesitant to call this a good adaptation.
As someone who grew up with the original cartoon, I give this season a solid 8. I agree with what you guys said about the clothes ruining the immersion, which is disappointing, and certain details could've been done better like Aang actually waterbending and Katara's healing. My only other main complaint is Azula's fire not being blue. In flashbacks of her childhood in the original cartoon, her fire was orange, meaning something happened as she got older that turned it blue. I'm just praying the writers of this show are planning on showing that progression, perhaps as her mental stability declines. Overall though, I enjoyed every episode and can't wait to see more.
Other than that, I greatly enjoyed every episode of this show, having watched each episode at least once. As someone who grew up with the original cartoon since it premiered, I genuinely love this adaptation and can't wait to see how it improves from here.
I typed multiple paragraphs and only the last one got posted. This new website needs work.
I immensely enjoyed this show more then I thought I would. There are minor things that would bother me but I have hope it'll get better as the live action continues so I'm happy
There is another show I watched before this one that when I first watched it I thought of The Last airbender that I highly recommend recommend
Alchemy of souls(It's on Netflix)
It's got fantasy romance comedy good chemistry of characters and just the world building I can't say enough good things about it
Honestly before I even knew they were making a live action of the last airbender in my head alchemy of souls was the closest I thought I'd get to watching something that's live action that brought me the same amount of joy as the original last Airbender
My thoughts on this first season. I'd give a 7/10, and yeah for some of the same reasons. There were a couple plot points that bothered me that could've been explained better I found. Something like why did the inventor make a glider for his son. In cartoon it's because they were at an air temple and loved the culture, but in LA they were in Omashu, so an earthebender invention would make more sense, without explaining. Also, how does Koh get other's faces. In cartoon they mention it takes faces of those who show it emotion. Aang in LA just so happened to not show emotion to Koh I guess. (But an alternate way to take faces wasn't explained.) Also, did Katara learn to heal in LA, or just ignore that.
Now I have to mention one thing I really wish was included related to Katara healing. Aang met Jeong Jeong, who taught Aang there is an order to learning the elements that is extremely important. Water must be before earth, and lastly fire. Because fire must be controlled to learn to bend it. He didn't want to teach Aang, but Roku stepped in and persuaded him to teach Aang. But no Avatar stepped in for LA to convince the North that they should teach Aang, almost as if they didn't care... (I assume this is just because they wanted to have Katara teach Aang. I do like how cartoon Aang secretly taught Katara to bend, which made for the fight with Paku to be better.) But back to Jeong Jeong episode. Aang burned Katara and this is when Katara learned of her healing abilities. I just wonder if this whole episode will instead occur in Season 2. I'm thinking Season 2's focus will be Aang learning how to bend Water and Earth. And maybe meeting Jeong Jeong here, or later on. And I don't think they will just remove Jeong Jeong as he is a part of the White Lotus, and Iroh has been mentioning Pai Show and white lotus a few times in LA so far.
I am also mostly excited for what they do with the Dai Li, will be cool to see them in LA. I imagine what could happen is, since in cartoon Appa was stolen at the library, they may not include library, but maybe the Dai Li takes Appa, if they go for same impactful emotional scenes. (Not too far from show as Long Feng did recapture Appa.) And also for Toph, I really hope they make a way to keep her as a blind character. I'd hope with the same reasons(seeing surrounding through feet vibrations), but if they just have the actor a blind walking stick, and they fought with that, that could be cool/funny. And PLEASE include The BOULDER.
Well anyways interested to see what comes next, but a lot of Avatar content coming next few years for sure, which is exciting.
Oh one more small thing. LA did include the parts where when the moon spirit was killed, the screen went red, like in the cartoon. One thing not included from the show here though was Yue's hair was still glowing along with her eyes, so you could see a clear blue and white in her. This hinted at her being the life energy of the moon spirit as a visual cue besides later being mentioned, but the LA didn't show her hair glowing as well as her eyes with color, so it was just her saying the moon spirit gave her energy... just one of those small details that maybe was missed, but I think more likely is LA had a hard time showing that distinction in the video, and instead just went for a red overlay filter. (It would be at least a little difficult to distinguish her as glowing from others, but again just a small thing that would've been another nice touch, like the show had.)
I love in the very last scene they subtly showed the solar eclipse before showing the comet in the machine.
First off that Momo scene was a fucking roller coaster, from hyped to literal tears. I thoroughly enjoyed this tbh, I'd give it a solid 9. There's definitely some small things like the clothes, but I honestly hadn't noticed that until Boom mentioned it so I won't hold that against it much plus you guys have touched on how hard a green screen can be and I'd like to believe the actors are getting better at it. The story changes were done really well imo and most if not all made sense in the way they did them. Yes they didn't include certain characters like Jeong Jeong but they could very easily tie that in as a moment in season 2 to show Katara's development as a healer to that point too, they've done most of the original show justice I see no reason to believe they wouldn't continue that. I've seen people complaining about it not being 1:1 and then I see people complaining its too much of a copy and I'm just convinced people wanna hate this no matter how good or bad it was.
I agree with the rating of a 7. I enjoyed it but it obviously had a few issues or things I'd change. For example, I know they wanted to show the war balloon stuff to set up the overall finale but i probably would have scrapped Jet and his little story in favor of Jeong Jeong. That episode was what introduced us to katara's healing aptitude AND Aang's unwillingness/fear of learning firebending making the whole story with the 2 dragons in book 3 that much more impactful. That said, I do hope we get more, I want to see more earthbending in live action and especially The Boulder!
Hey guys thought since you guys have been watching the live action episode's, you should check out this video I just recently watched on YouTube I think you guys will enjoy it I know I did. Also love what you guys do, keep up the awesome work!! https://youtu.be/T5vdPy7nbRQ?si=wlK4FfIP67eUHG9E
I read something funny. The guy who played Zhao originally thought he was auditioning for one of the James Cameron Avatar movies.
I guess you could say this finale was…..FIRE!
I’m sorry
You are not forgiven
Credit where it’s due this show is 1 million times better than the movie. But I still feel that the heart and soul of the original show is missing from most of this series. It’s big things and little things and as a result at the end of the day, I don’t feel it justified its existence. It doesn’t have anything interesting to say – any new interpretations of characters or the story. It’s just kinda there - a pale copy of a far superior classic.
truthfully, everything has its pros and cons and for me personally, i think the pros outweigh the cons with this! the way they mixed the different stories in this was almost seamless to me; i had no issue with the mechanist and teo living in omashu, aang experiencing all the spirits in one episode etc. i also love the fact they're adding information from the comics and legend of korra!!
my one true negative is just the fact aang doesn't practice waterbending at all but i also understand that katara said at the end that she's going to be the one teaching him most likely during season 2! plus really we can only go up from here just like the original series did!
also a lot (not all!) of avatar fans are soo argumentative and negative that even with the new animated movies we're getting next year and the years after i truly truly believe they're gonna find problems and things to complain about with those. even the people that keep saying "we want more animated stuff, not live action!!!1!" i can guarantee they're gonna complain; no matter how involved or not involved the original creators are :/
i think people are valid to be critical of the creators, bryke specifically given the choices they made with korra. whilst korra is good and not as awful as most people say, it IS weaker than ATLA and doesn't really capture the feeling the original gives you (my personal gripes with korra are the lack of character personality and development, the weird love triangle, lack of bond between team avatar 2 and the choices made for the spirit world all really miss the most interesting parts of atla). i think people are just scared for even MORE avatar content that misses the heart of the original!
oh absolutely! i don't believe bryke should be put on the pedestal that they are by a lot of fans, which is why i didn't take them leaving the live action as necessarily a bad thing when it was announced. but i also think a lot of avatar fans are going into future projects expecting it to be EXACTLY like A:TLA when ofc new stories and new characters will always be different.
I honestly love that Hahn is a cool guy in this
I Give It A 7.5, I Wanna Give It A 8 Tho But It's Some Aspects That Really Connect Me To The Show Spiritually And Really Made The Show For Me, Like The Music, They Use A Mix Of Korra And ATLA Sounds That Really Bothered Me Over Time. The Music Should Be Crafted For The Specific Show, It Just Sets The Vibe Of It For Me, They Missed On That . The Second Reason Is The Lack Of Spiritual Wisdom And Insight That I Believe Is Like The Ground Work Of The Show And Something That Makes This My Favorite Story, The Parts That Really Inspire Me And That's Why I Believe No One Can Recreate Avatar Like The Creators Because Of That Aspect, Their Vision And Choice Of People To Help Create The World. Overall I Definitely Like It For It's Own Thing And Hope To Get More, Especially Knowing I Don't Have To Put All My Eggs In One Basket Because WE'RE STILL GETTING ANIMATIONS FROM THE ORIGINAL CREATORS.
I think there's a bad misconception with adaptations, especially with ones which had a bad first attempt. I think if people see a bad adaptation made changes, they assume that the changes is the reason it's a bad adaptation. Therefore, if a new attempt makes changes that means it will become a bad adaptation. I feel like there's no way to go but up if (hopefully when) it continues. As someone who vaguely remembers brief moments of the original when it was airing, I think this was a really fun new take on it and that's how you need to look at it. It's not a 1:1 recreation, because it wouldn't work. I really liked the way they mixed things around, and had some fun references for original fans.
People forget that S1 of the original series is generally thought as the lowest point . I can't count the amount of times I've seen people start the show for the first time and seen comments like "Oh, S1 starts off slow but it really picks up at the end and in S2." Some people I think are holding this 1st season unfairly to the standard of the entire show. Shows need time to grow, and I do think the crew of this will improve when given the chance. I think there is a good amount of hatred coming from people who made up their minds when the creators dropped out, and weren't even going to give it a chance. A very good quote from Iroh in Korra I think fits it well "“If you look for the light, you can often find it.But if you look for the dark that is all you will ever see.”
I do think they will likely need a couple more episodes for future seasons, maybe 10 at the least to fit as much as they can in. 8 worked for this season, but there's a lot more to cover in the others.
The past Avatars' backstories are from the books.
Two episodes of Avatar, 3 episodes of Teen Titans, 2 episodes of Spongebob, and two more episodes of Avatar. I've basically spent all day watching you guys and it has been great. Honestly, a nice, chill way to spend a saturday.
I'm sure I'm super unobservant, but I just noticed your Unown tattoos, Ruff, and they look sick.
Aang's clothes not being dirty makes sense....he was in a giant spiritual powerwash.
51:05 Ok, this has happened a few times throughout the series...does music like this give anyone else The Mummy vibes?
In regards to an earlier conversation, with the fake beards...I'm not studied in asian culture, but I feel like, in some traditional culture, having large beards was a status symbol. Anyone is free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel like that's why having the beards is a sort of requirement for characters like Ozai.
Before I hear y'alls scores, I wanna say, it just misses a 9/10 for me, but it's still a solid 8, and I would happily recommend it.
I really wholeheartedly feel the people shitting on the series are people who just like to complain and wanted a scene by scene copy of the cartoon. Don't get me wrong, the series is not perfect. It has its flaws and there are reasonable constructive criticisms for it. I just can't agree with the people saying it's absolute garbage. I think as its own thing, it's a really enjoyable adaption. I liked the changes, I liked the visuals, and I liked the performances. I mean some of the acting was a little stale like Katara I will say could've been portrayed better but I still liked her and she is significantly better than the movie version. Also the costumes were a little cosplay looking but I didn't mind it. Really my complaints are very minor and haven't kept me from seeing this as an enjoyable series. I think basically the wise thing to do is to not compare this series with the animated series cause obviously you're going to be disappointed to some regard. Like I was kinda sad some of the storylines were taken out but at the same time, I'm kind of interested if they might work them in the next season if the show gets greenlit. Overall, the series was while not perfect was still a fun watch and that's an opinion I will stick by.