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Avatar The Last Airbender Live Action Episode 5 REACTION

Avatar The Last Airbender Live Action | 1 year ago
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  1. ariel_warfare
    1 year

    I don't understand why they decided to not make Azula's fire blue. It turned blue briefly but that should've been the default. Maybe they wrote an arc for her where her fire permanently becomes blue the more she slips into insanity, which would be a cool take tbh. But otherwise, it just doesn't make sense to change it.

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    1. 4ndr0meda
      1 year

      It's called character progression, we didn't see that in the OG show for Azula because she wasn't in season one, but bow that she is, she can have the progression of making her fire be so strong it turns blue, surpassing everyone except probably her dad. And we now for a fact she wasn't born with blue fire, we see her bending orange flames in flashbacks of the OG show when she was young. Probably that's what they wanted to recreate.

    2. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      Well, Azula’s fire did not started off blue you see that in the animation when they’re kids, so I think the show is taking liberty and showing her growth to that point nons honestly, I think it’s gonna be blue in season two Ohye has lit that fire under Azula

  2. Commenters avatar
    Internet Zing
    1 year

    I just realized that the actor who is the voice of the owl is also the voice of Master Oogway!!! 

  3. imrightoverhere
    1 year

    i still think having a full glimpse of Kya being burnt alive was completely unnecessary, though i may be biased because I hate when media portrays violence against women as a way to get emotion from the audience; especially so because the original handled it with what felt like more respect.

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    1. 4ndr0meda
      1 year

      Yeah this ain't what you're describing pal. The only reason you think Kya's death was "respectful" is because it was a kid show and she was implied to have been killed off screen, heavily implied, but still couldn't show it 'cause Nickelodeon. It makes total sense that if we see the air nomads genocide, that we also get to see a glimpse of what was Katara's biggest drive throughout the entire series, as gruesome it is. It's not meant to give "soft tears" or force the viewer to be sad, it's meant to be explainatory and remind you of how brutal firebenders are and why this matters so much to Katara, because she watched her mom being cooked (she found her moms body in the og show) and because her mom died lying to protect her, that's true in both shows. So no, I think your take is pretty wrong here.

    2. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      Unfortunately it sounds like you didn't get the point of that part of the story...

    3. ariel_warfare
      1 year

      What are you talking about? This had nothing to do with "violence against women". They did the same exact thing with Gyatso and the other Airbenders. It's a Netflix show, so they're allowed to show more than Nickelodeon ever could. Plus, the whole point of the scene was to drive home the trauma Katara experienced in that moment. Projecting your fake-woke gender politics into this is just weird and in bad taste.

    4. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      i personally think this might be a reach, because in the beginning they showed all the airbenders getting torched, including Gyatso. The entire of this show is the fire nation not showing respect and actually seeing the brutality, male or female.I felt the same level of emotion seeing gyatso being burned alive as Kya, so i don't think that projection really is accurate here. 

  4. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Just realized it while watching along, but the voice actor for the Wan Shi Tong (the owl), is also the same voice actor for Oogway in Kung Fu Panda.

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    1. brianna
      1 year

      he was also in the 2010 version too!

  5. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    They mixed ATLA lore with Korra lore? I'm so here for it.

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      I genuinely did not expect them to use the Fog of Lost Souls

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      1. 4ndr0meda
        1 year

        I love it! But its not really mixing lore when they don't contradict, it's just Avatar lore! :)

  6. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I don’t think Katara got hit. I think she fell back and Hei Bai missed her. That’s why he was still focused on her before turning to Sokka.

  7. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I think at this point is where I start having small gripes with the show. Mainly the changes made Koh. Animated Koh was terrifying and that was a cartoon and the two main reasons for that was the danger, Koh wasn’t just a horde of people and eat their faces when ever he wanted. Koh could literally steal you face the moment he catches you you show ANY emotion. That paired with the VA portraying him with both a smooth regal voice that has undertones of dark terrifying depth. Best example is comparing the line reads for ‘one of your previous incarnations tried to slay me’ followed by laughter. In the animated version he’s civil yet you can hear the undertones of anger leading into a sinister laughter. In this version it’s more psychotic I suppose, this Koh seems to come across more like it was flip flopping between emporer palpatine and the joker both respectable villains but just not suited for Koh and led to me not seeing him in the sinister light he was in the animated show.

    Other than that I feel the hai bi issue was left a bit unclear to those who hadn’t seen the original. I mean I know the significance of the acorn the the original and how it soothed the wounded spirit but in this I’m not sure people not familiar with it will understand that doing that solved the spirit problem for the villagers. Even just a flash of the panda at some point would have solved that loose end.

  8. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    No, it's not perfect, but I give the original show a 10/10, as it's very solid and the pros vaaaaastly outweigh the cons.

    This is a solid adaptation, even though it's not as good as the original.  I would give it an 8/10, bordering on 9 after this episode.  Some changes make sense, some don't, to me. Even if the original didn't exist, this is still a good show on it's own.


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