Adventure Time S4 Episode 1-2 REACTION
Adventure Time S4 Episode 3-4 REACTION
Adventure Time S4 Episode 5-6 REACTION
Adventure Time S4 Episode 7-8 REACTION
Adventure Time S4 Episode 9-10 REACTION
Adventure Time S4 Episode 11-12 REACTION
Adventure Time S4 Episode 13-14 REACTION
Adventure Time S4 Episode 15-16 REACTION
Adventure Time S4 Episode 17-18 REACTION
Adventure Time S4 Episode 19-20 REACTION
Adventure Time S4 Episode 21-22 REACTION
Adventure Time S4 Episode 23-24 REACTION
Adventure Time S4 Episode 25-26 REACTION
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Flapjack came out way before regular show and adventure. Some of aspects of those two shoes seem to be inspired by flapjack.
This was a bigass moment for adventure times growth as a story
Fuck, as someone who is currently a main caretaker for my grandma with dementia Simon’s character hurts so much worse. But they do such a good job with him. And with him and marceline
Damn it made me cry
i love marceline and ice king so much
The remember song is so gut wrenchingly sad, and it can be related as an allegory to a couple of things. Dementia, for one, and “it wasn’t me, it was the crown” reminds me of nothing but an abusive, alcoholic father. Genuinely love that ep, one of my faves
It's the way I've been watching this video for weeks and weeks now XD I'm so hype for y'all to reach more plot stuff it's crazy
I would love to see you guys react to the Misadventures of FlapJack. =3
I don't know if you notice but this the teddy bear that she broke up with her ex because he sold it and that tell how marcline deeply care about saimon
The Enchiridion and Marceline's diary are real and they're amazing. Definitely full of spoilers but it is really a well written book.
Billy is innocent you monsters
The actual Enchiridion was written over 2000 years ago by a philosopher named Epictetus. Its like the guide book to dealing with life.
about the scene of bubblegum in her room... Can a woman have hubbies? ?
I see you’re starting to get why we don’t like Princess Bubblegum
Steven universe started in 2013
Banger eps The dream Finn had with the owl is actually a lot darker because it’s also implied that the old lady Billy’s girl was eaten by the bear feet first
The first time I tried to watch Steven Universe I actually bounced off it, it just didn't live up to the hype for me. But when I got into Adventure Time, this episode KILLED me. When I found out Rebecca Sugar wrote it, I decided to give SU another chance and I'm glad I did. Sugar just knows how to add emotional depth to their characters!
Notice how that picture or Marceline as a kid does not have bite marks on her neck.
I've been waiting for this episode for WEEKS, I subbed to Diamond just to see it early! Now I'm waiting for a certain season 5 one... :') God, you've got so much great stuff coming! And experiencing it with y'all has been so great.
OMG PLEASE watch Flapjack, it has like cursed Spongebob energy
Am I tripping or did they not see You Made Me
2 banger episodes hell yeah. Multiverse Arc coming up baby woop woop
Also at this point you have to actively try to understand the timeline. I am going to sound like a broken record but it gets crazy here but it's so rewarding when you understand what's going on.
They could also watch a complete Timeline video on YouTube when they finish all the AT shows, it's normal for people who binge watch these series and that are not active parts of the fandom to forget details of the story.
I actually own the enchairidion the real Greek philosophy book the one from the show is based off, it’s really short it’s essentially like 50 ethical passages it’s from like 126 ad
I started watching Steven Universe because I knew Rebecca sugar wrote the song from Remember You
Man "I remember you" hurts, especially having someone you love who's gone through dementia and started forgetting everyone and everything. Ofc with the difference being that Simon just doesn't die bc the crown makes him immortal.
Also not a spoiler just a casual point to be made from observations. Marcy's dad is the king of the nightosphere, he's a demon not a vampire. And she does have a bite on her neck she could have simply been a demon or half demon(since we don't know who her mother is yet) that got bit by a vampire. Bc vampires don't age, and she was little when she met Simon at the end of the episode.
And another thing I noticed! We've seen the plushie Simon gave her before! It's the stuffed toy her crappy ex sold to a witch during the episode where they go into Marcelines memories to make her forget their breakup.
you can also see that when she was a little girl in this episode there are no bite marks on her neck.
In the post discussion I'm really happy you guys mentioned Flapjack, it really kickstarted the new age of cartoons, especially on CN. I'd be hyped if y'all were to ever make a reaction to it. It's crazy how many great future cartoon show creators had worked on it.
i call it the progenitor for a reason
the cultural reset that happened when these episodes aired
Oh my god I am not ready for this batch of episodes, I knew they were coming up but omg
The Enchiridion and Marcy's super secret scrap book dose have a lot of spoilers in it, also it has extra info the series dosen't go into, so for all purposes it's cannon.
Also really glad you now know that Marcy and Ice King have a past, can't wait until you see more of it
Steven universe came out in like 2012/2013 not 2016. I'm pretty sure the main series ended around then tho
The original Steven Universe show started in 2013 and ended in 2019, although the franchise of SU as a whole ended with Future in 2020.
Idk if you guys noticed but the toy simon gave marceline in the flashback is the same one from the episode where they enter her memories.
Finn and Cake series coming august 31st
Now you have a better idea of how big the series is with the multiverse and how important The Enchiridion is, a book with all kinds of power. But you really still will lack info on those still for awhile and some outside the series info.
These two episodes really changed the entire game, so iconic
Damn, Remember You just makes me cry everytime I watch it. I don't care if it's true or not, this is probably the episode that got CN to offer Rebecca Sugar her own show.
Steven Universe was greenlit before the episode was made iirc
Don't blame Billy he didnt betray nobody he got murdered by the lich
they also named us (the watchers) as billy, so they are clearly joking. Don't r/wooosh me
You guys have to watch flapjack please!!
This is THE episode that cemented Adventure Time in my "Cartoons aren't just for kids" mindset. Learning about Ice King made me re watch the whole series to this point and my first in depth search into theories about a TV show.
i remember you is such a gutpunch episode... tears every time
Just so it's clear, Billy didn't betray them, Lich killed him and was literally wearing his skin. And that is why Lich is probably one of the greatest villains in animation.
Also this is the point where the lore gets really deep. There is going to be a lot of foreshadowing and call backs.
I gotta watch these two first bruh these are generational
Yoo goated eps
W episode
Hey at least they were on brand and lived up to their channel name. Cus literally how can you watch this episode and think Billy betrayed them. Thats Sorta Stupid.
I think they just meant the viewers betrayed them
Oops, I mean to reply to the vid not your comment. Whatevs it still appears in the comments.