Adventure Time S4 Episode 1-2 REACTION
Adventure Time S4 Episode 3-4 REACTION
Adventure Time S4 Episode 5-6 REACTION
Adventure Time S4 Episode 7-8 REACTION
Adventure Time S4 Episode 9-10 REACTION
Adventure Time S4 Episode 11-12 REACTION
Adventure Time S4 Episode 13-14 REACTION
Adventure Time S4 Episode 15-16 REACTION
Adventure Time S4 Episode 17-18 REACTION
Adventure Time S4 Episode 19-20 REACTION
Adventure Time S4 Episode 21-22 REACTION
Adventure Time S4 Episode 23-24 REACTION
Adventure Time S4 Episode 25-26 REACTION
Inside Out 2 Reaction
Pokemon Concierge Episode 1-4 Reaction
Kaguya Sama S3 Episode 1-13 Reaction
Fairly OddParents S2 Episode 1-2 Reaction
All Sonic Unleashed Cutscenes Reaction
Arcane Episode 1 REACTION
Trick R Treat Movie REACTION
The Lion King REACTION
Family Guy: Star Wars Blue Harvest Reaction
Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 1-2 Reaction (Ruff Solo)
Dragon Ball Episode 1 Reaction (Boom Solo)
(Gold) The Super Mario Bros. Movie Reaction
Game Theory: Five Nights at Freddy’s Ultimate Timeline REACTION
Smiling Friends Episode 1-9 REACTION
Yo that's a good question, why didn't finn or even flame princess herself learn the flame protection spell for their relationship???
Haha preeching the choir,that question was on everyones mind back in 2014
im so excited for the next episode
10:16 this was so dnd and tvtropes
Minute 21:46
This^^^ this right here is the moment where every Spanish speaking fan of Adventure Time just bursted out in Laughter. Seriously one of the best moments in Dub History.
¡Gunter, ¿Te volviste reggaetonero?!
I always loved the designed of Huntress wizard
The scene of the ice king finding Gunter in Spanish he told him that if he became a urban musician. ???
Remember in an earlier episode Hunson Abadeer (Marceline dad) the literal king of demons said that Gunter was the most evil creature he has seen. Yeah....
Also I love Huntress Wizard
my fav
That was an old thero of AT just being a D&D game, its not butit would make for a great one