Helluva Boss Episode 1 REACTION
Toy Story 4 Reaction
Avatar The Last Airbender Episode 1 REACTION
Vampire Diaries Episode 1 Reaction
A Goofy Movie REACTION
Luca Reaction
DEADPOOL 2 Movie Reaction
Amphibia Season 2 Episode 1 REACTION
Manga Bros Skypiea Part 1
Hell’s Paradise Episode 1-13 Reaction
Has Anyone Seen Lenny or the Reverend? – Red Dead Redemption 2 – Part 3
Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi Reaction
SpongeBob S3 Episode 1-2 REACTION
Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay Reaction
First Time Playing Psychonauts
dont worry about it ^ everything overall <3
I just remembered that I have never watched this part of Season 7. I've seen every episode after and including Preboot and Reboot (because I watched all those episodes when they came out), but when I went back to the beginning and watched everything in order a few years ago, I never got around to finishing the whole thing and I stopped at some point in Season 7. It's interesting watching these episodes because most of them I've never seen.
Same, I'm willing to bet that was because of awful scheduling more than anything though
Hey guys! I just wanted to take a moment to say that I absolutely love your content! I discovered y'all on YouTube over the summer when I watched Ruff, SeeOhKnee, and Boom's reaction to the first Pokémon movie. (I'm a massive Pokémon fan, and I hope y'all keep watching the movies because there are a lot of really good ones you haven't seen yet). Once I found out that you guys were reacting to Adventure Time, Regular Show, The Amazing World of Gumball, Gravity Falls, and Spongebob Squarepants, I knew I had found a holy grail of reactions to look forward to. You guys are super funny and entertaining, all four of you and Bri! I'm a proud Diamond Billy and I wish you guys continued success with everything! BILLY IS LIFE!!
I’ve watched this show a bunch of times and I just now realize that his birthmark the flaming sideways teardrop is a reference to him being the comet in a past life. They really do just slip so many small details in like that.
its episode 20 21 and 22 not 21 22 and 23
the titles are confusing
still great reaction guys im excited to see the end of the season ♥
can't wait for Hall of Egress and flute spell for the next batch. I hope there is at least a little bit of a discussion after Egress but I don't expect it.
im not very familiar with reccomendeding things to reaction channels , i hooe its okay to just comment things id like to see but if ive got the etiquette wrong someone plz lmk !! ^^;;
id totally love to see you guys react to The Queen's Gambit , its only 12 episodes ( though they are long episodes to be fair ) . The Powerpuff Girls is also a classic that id love to see you guys do , and Phineas And Ferb , no one does phineas and ferb reactions !! i feel like most reaction channels skip it cause its more episodic / not plot heavy but since yall also do chill shows like spongebob i figure maybe youd like PnF :^) . Kodomo No Omocha ( aka Kodocha ) is an old anime thats actually such a classic , id love to see yall react to that , and id also love to see you react to Free! Iwatobi Swim Club . maybe even Haikyuu!! ? ? . also American Vandal , ppl really sleep on that show its so underrated , mockumentart that had me SCREAMING at my screen lol i watched it at my friends place and they loved watching me watch it so i think viewers would love to see yall watch it too :^)
sorry if thats too many to suggest in one comment ahdjxjjcjca i figure id list out a bunch of suggestions in one comment instead of making a bunch of seperate comments across videos , i wondered if that might be annoying ^^;; . ofc these are just suggestions for you to consider when youve got open slots , i know ( well im p sure ) you arent looking to start anything new rn !!
love yalls reactions !! :D
The hype is REAL!!!
Omg wait, this is the first time i realized the crown in that farmworld episode wasn't actually an animation error that's so cool
It actually was. They wrote Crossover as a way to explain it lol
Waittt I remember the fact that it's an animation error floating on twitter, that's crazy. I think Adventure Time in general doesn't get enough credit for how much effort and planning went into their animation specifically. Like even pb's constant outfit changes must've been crazy difficult to execute.
so whats actually sick is it *was* an animation error, but they took the opportunity to expand that error into the conclusion of this episode, retroactively making it no longer
an error!
That's so interesting, do you perchance have source for that? Would love to read more about it.
The bomb was also nuclear also for Prismo's boss the official book hints to it. Also this episode hints at how time really works in their universe, but the official book fully explains it. Little spoiler for the time expiation if you care
Time all happens at once and only cosmic beings that are above time can understand that so time paradoxes can happen because its not a strait line
Essentially Prismo sent the present crown into the past, making there be 2 crowns in the past until the bomb destroys that present crown. The Past Crown with Finn continued being until it becomes "present crown." This way Finn continues living with no Future Crown existing to tempt him.
The reason they did this is because fans noticed an animator accidentally left that crown on Ice King's head in the original episode after it was already taken by Finn, so this way they retroactively explain that plot hole using time travel. 2 crowns lol.
That's genius. I love that so much!
Oh my god, the birthmark in the shape of a flaming sideways teardrop is the, fucking, comet! It's a comet birthmark!
The crown went into a perfectly stable time loop. It gets taken, gets used by Otherworld Mertens, then gets sent back to the moment the crown explodes. Nothing particularly odd, crown just got sent through timespace to a moment where it would be destroyed. It still existed for all the time it did.
cant believe only like 60 episodes left of adventure time. ofcourse there is still 4 special 1 hour episodes plus fiona and cake which is absolute banger, but still its sad we getting to te end, cant wait for emotional finale
Quick Reminder that Season 7's real season Finale are the episodes called "Preboot" and "Reboot" which are listed as episodes 12 and 13 of Season 8, not the one listed as episode 25 of this season which is called "The Thin Yellow Line".
And just in case... im not saying that you should skip up to the episodes called "Preboot" and "Reboot" after you watch "the Thin Yellow Line", im simply saying that CN messed up when the last seasons begin and where they end. You should still consider the first 13 episodes of "Season 8" as part of Season 7.
waaaiit 2 AT vids in one week!?
Been waiting for you guys to react to “crossover”?
YES this is my fav set of episodes :D I live for Adventure time uploads!!!!! <3
Although I just realized that the episode I was really waiting for is going to be in the next set (EP 24) that you guys upload lol regardless its only up hill from here :D BILLYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!