JoJo’s Part 6 Episode 1-12 (Ruff Solo) Reaction
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JoJo’s Part 1 (Ruff Solo) REACTION
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(Gold) Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island
I'm with you guys when it comes to King of Ooo... But regrettably,
I can confirm there are fans... One of my best friends likes him...
He makes me so angry...
That one Banana Guard at 19:50 probably thinks he’s living in hell? he’s too smart for the others
Marceline is so beautiful
Everything stays is my absolute favorite song in the whole series.
"Everything stays but it still changes
ever so slightly daily and nightly
in little ways everything stays"
Just perfection.
I love all the Adventure Time Multi-episode arcs, like Stakes.
I didn't think of it until now but I wonder if the fight with the moon was inspired by that old video where you can hear a "demon" saying "I have the body of a pig". The voice even sounds the same. Idk if thats a common theory in the fandom tho
i just wanna say... Cartoon Network messed up the order of when the last couple seasons end and where they start. Season's 7 ACTUAL season Finale are the episodes called "Preboot" and "Reboot".
Stakes is definetely my favorite Adventure Time Mini-series, it was such a delight watching this again with the 4 of you.
there are some of us who do enjoy the King of Ooo... but in a very ironic way... like... we KNOW that the guy is annoying and awfull but we still decide to just embrace it. It's the same thing with LSP... Adventure Time just wouldn't be the same without her.
I LOVE the Vampire King, even tho his screen-time was short he made a Big Impression... and in case you're wondering... He does represent a Tarot Card just like the other 4 Vampires, or rather... 2 of them. The Tarot Cards he represents are The Wheel of Fortune and The Chariot, he even mentions them directly in his speech to Marceline. Also that moment when he turns his voice high-pitched and says "it's chill, no funny business" gotta be one the best comedic moments of the whole show xddd.
By the way... here's a Fun Fact: Marceline also has a specific Tarot Card she represents... but it's still not time to reveal which one it is just yet.
Ice King came in clutch at the last moment... only he and his weird wise words could pull out Marcy from the pit of depression she falling into.
And we end the mini-series with the now iconic song "Everything Stays", a song that Rebecca Sugar herself wrote to express a rather complex sentiment. It's a very beautiful song and... if you listen to the lyrics you will notice that a certain character from Steven Universe was created entirely around that same sentiment as well.
Finn kicking the V.K. in the dick 10 times and him being "yeah its chill" in a high pitch voice gotta be one of the funniest joke
nobody likes koo and as for lsp you either love her or hate her there is no in between
Honestly, the point of the Princess KOO is to make Princess Bubblegum look better by comparison and move her redemption arc forward. That's the only purpose he serves in the show. He also has ridiculous comedy moments of him being an unaplogetic asshole.
Just to let you guys know there are 2 more big 8 part sections coming up, the first is season 8 episodes 20-27 and the second is season 9 episodes 2-9
The Stakes miniseries was my favorite batch of episodes from this show. I remember watching it multiple times back when it first aired. I am so excited for you guys to watch more!
Just another heads up in case you lot may have forgotten; next episode is a double length. Rest of the season has nothing else special so no need to worry about anything until next season :)
The song from the end is actually written about Spinel from Steven universe.
And here we got some BS. The moons healing Is able to help her live in sunlight with no known downside. She heals faster than she burns.
So why does marceline burn in the sun when she absorbs the exact same power
And they were roommates
I am 99.9% sure there are no fans of KOO, he only existed in the show to give pb some character growth since her traits in the show thus far have been being a control freak over her kingdom. Glad he's gone, but also that he took over the kingdom because it gave us varmints and made bubblegum realize that she was taking royalty and her subjects for granted
@15:50 ok I love you guys, but you get shit because you antagonize your own commenters in a lot of videos. It is a little stressful to watch you constantly take things the wrong way.
King Of Ooo and LSP are both characters I love to hate, but LSP ended up growing on me after a 2nd watch.
Idk lsp is at least funny sometimes and can on occasion at least be somewhat of a decent person
there are absolutely NO FANS of King OOO
For those who don’t know the song everything stays was inspired by a memory Rebecca sugar had from here childhood when she left a stuffed bunny in the garden for a while and forgot about it when she came back she saw that the top half was burned and faded while the bottom was normal this can also be seen in the song drifted away in Steven universe movie where spinel is the bunny and pink diamond is Rebecca
The comedy in these episodes is so good from Finns pretending to be a vulnerable sacrifice to the best moment of Finn kicking Vampire King in the dick 20 times to the point where his voice changed pitch.
I really love stakes. The writing for Finn and Jake in this one felt like they’re actually brothers. The banter was fun and stuff too! I’m so excited for the rest of season 7. They’re all good episodes with only one I don’t like much, but still good.
This mini series is some of the best episodes from the original series! It starts such a nice shift in dynamic for the crew as a whole, and kinda sets the tone for Bonnie and Marcy going forward~
everything stays right were you left it
What a fun arc!
So as I mentioned in the last reaction, the Vampires are named after tarrot cards (like the Stands in Jojo Part 3). Each Vampire represents aspects of their tarrot cards. There is a post that I really like (which I'll copy paste here) which does a good job of explaining it.
The Fool: it represents beginnings, freedom, innocence, originality, adventure, idealism, spontaneity. Just like Fool in AT. Reversed is reckless, careless, distracted, naive, foolish. Unsurprisingly, Fool dies because he is not aware he is in danger, because he is foolish and careless.
The Empress: represents divine feminine, sensuality, fertility, creativity, beauty. She is depicted as a tall, atractive (I guess?) woman with beatiful eyes. Reversed, the card is overbearing, it represents negligence, the dependence on others , lack of growth and progress. Empress is killed because she relied on Ice King to do her bidding when trying to control him. See the correlation?
The Hierophant: it represents tradition, conventionality, conformity, education, beliefs. Hierophant is a "too old fashion" man in AT, who sticks with the old ways and refuses the change. When the card is reversed it is unconventionality, non-conformity and new methods. Ironically, he dies because he just can adapt to the new world and have to ask permission for coming in a house.
The Moon: illusion, intuition, uncertainty, confusion, complexity. Reversed it represents fear, deception, anxiety, misunderstanding, misinterpretation. Moon plays with Finn when she is chasing them. Also, there is a misunderstanding when PB says "take her back", Finn and Jake understand "Stake her back" (confusion).
Vampire King: this last one is actually a bit different, yet it's the best one. He is inspired from two cards; the Wheel of Fortune and the Chariot. He mentions both in the seventh part of the arc.
Wheel of Fortune: the card represents change, cycles, fate, decisive moments, luck, fortune upright. And reversed is bad luck, lack of control, clinging to control, unwelcome changes. VK wants to leave behind the old past and change, adapt to the new world. Break the cycle. This is actually the theme of the whole Stakes Arc, which involves Marceline as well.
Chariot: the Chariot upright represents ambition, determination, willpower, control, self-discipline, focus. The reversed card is: no direction, no control, powerless. When he ask them to suck his vampire essence he mentions that he will decide his destiny riding in a sick flaming chariot. It speaks for itself but I think it means that he choses to embrace the change, the unknown, because he is in control of his fate.
Not gonna lie I was worried if this episode was going to be delayed on account of the past week
i don't like king of oo but his character does create some funny moments
Just like finns dad but i like him more
For absolutely no reason fighting the vampire king was pure comedy and I love it
Honestly I felt kinda bad for the vampire king too, he seem like he might have been genuinely trying to change before everything went kablooey
As a long-time fan of this show, I can assure you that at least 99% of us also hate the King of Ooo. There's really nothing redeeming about him at all, he just sucks lmao. On the other hand, I know you guys don't like LSP, but she's actually one of my favorite characters in the show. I think she's really funny, and while she's not the best person, she has tiny moments of growth here and there, some you guys of have seen, some you haven't yet, but I totally understand why y'all don't like her.
Happy to see Adventure Time was able to be uploaded today was not ready to miss it lol, I would have understood tho if it wasn't uploaded today