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Adventure Time S6 Episode 37-40 REACTION

Adventure Time | 11 months ago
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  1. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    nobody comes back from golb....

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  2. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    And now you know what Marceline's Dad meant when he said "Of all History's monsters you are by far the most Evil Thing i've encounter. Offer your Soul to me Dark One" to Gunther all the way back in Season 2.

  3. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    They were like 2 letters off lol

  4. Commenters avatar
    Mr. Eldritch
    1 year

    Orgalorg was among the monsters before the universe(and nothingness) in that vision the Lich showed king of ooo and Toronto.

  5. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    "Of all of history's greatest monsters, you are by far the most evil thing I've encountered. Offer your soul to me, dark one!"

    Now you know why Marcelines dad, Hunson Abadeer, Ruler of the dang Nightosphere, said this the first time he meant Gunther :D

  6. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Gunter built different

  7. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    The wildest thing about Gunter is that this is foreshadowed by Marceline's dad alll the way back in S1. The most evil thing I have ever encountered indeed

    Expand 2 replies
    1. nugget4335
      10 months

      im pretty sure that was just a joke and then they decided to make it true

    2. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      Wait no it was S2

  8. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Hudson to gunther: you are by far the most evil creature I have ever encountered.

  9. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    But they do show learning any kind of magic gives you some kind of extreme madness/sadness and the greater your magic power the greater the MMS is and vice versa, the only exception seems to be cosmic entities. Once you finish the main series you really should check out some lore videos explaining magic and the official The Enchiridion book

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      also the hat isn't magic it was more just symbolic

    2. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      Yes :D

  10. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Yeah Waterpark prank like other guest animated episodes are non-cannon

  11. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    “Be sweet” in addition to showing how little responsibility LSP confirms to us that: The green and horned comet from “Evergreen” WAS the Lich in some way and that a new comet is approaching 0.0

    And well, “Orgalord” was that strange shadow that came out of Gunther that changed PB's dream, and that who knows plans.

  12. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    We went from “Waterpark Prank”, a very ugly episode, to “You forgot your floaties”, my top 15 episodes, for its answers, new concepts, and new and fresh questions.

    1. Magic Man tricked EVERYONE, he made Betty personally look for Glob's helmet so that Finn and Jake could look for her, preparing to ambush them and turn them into bread INGREDIENTS, he put them on the shelf so that when trying to escape Finn or Jake would fall into the bread, and when Betty asked if the ritual would change it to the Magic Man he said to “MAKE THE BREAD” so that Finn would ruin the ritual and Magic Man would get rid of that Sadness and Madness, although him losing the Magic maybe was something not planned or the "broken mind of Magic Man" was willing to bear that price.

    2. They present us with a new concept M.M.S (Magic-Madness-and-Sadness) and how they attract each other, empowering and condemning unprepared magic users, THIS IS WHY Gunter (The Evergreen Dinosaur) went crazy having all that magic and knowledge of Evergreen.

    In addition to showing this strange and mysterious being called "Golb" who "took" Margles, eliminating her from existence, being that only powerful beings like Magic Man or Glob could remember her and that not even Prismo THE WISHMASTER could recreate her, quite disturbing SIP, but who knows what the hell this being really is :)

    3. They show us a parallel between Betty and Magic Man-pre madness; 1) They both loved someone, who they lost to external forces (Simon for the crown and Margles for that mysterious “Glob”), 2) They tried to bring that person back with terrible methods (Magic Man-pre madness creating from THEIR NIGHTMARES a copy of his wife (M.A.R.G.L.E.S)) and (Betty going all over OOO until being deceived by Magic Man ending up playing with forces and magic TOO DANGEROUS for a human) so that in the end they went crazy when they failed (Magic Man tried to cling to M.A.R.G.L.E.S being that "a distorted version of the person he loves" tells him that it came from his nightmare destroying him, driving him crazy), and (Betty getting all that magic from Magic Man she saw that "pool metaphor" (the magic and the consequences that entails learning it) and the crab (the magic user who delves into magic) and as “a distorted version of the person she loves” he told her with lip language that “You forgot your floaties” (which When trying to enter without preparation she sank and went crazy with sadness and madness).

    Will there be salvation for Betty? Will she manage to save Simon? or she will be lost in despair and madness like what happened to Magic Man.


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