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Adventure Time S6 Episode 21-24 REACTION

Adventure Time | 12 months ago
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  1. ottoelorco
    11 months

    Let's start the Cometa arc

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  2. reallichhours
    1 year

    I am soooooo freaking happy that he caught that the comet which: “aches for our extinction, is green, and has horns, has a connection to the Lich

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year


  3. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Guys, i know this show does a lot of stuff and has a lot of content... but we have known that Finn's last name is Mertens since the beginning of Season 5 when he made that wish to Prismo which created the Farmworld reality.

    and we also have known that Bubblegum's real name is Bonnibel since like Season 2, im pretty sure we first heard it from Marceline in the episode where Finn is trying different methods to ask PB out to a Movie Night.

  4. xorxeh
    1 year

    As someone in the dental field, yes, this is exactly how it goes

  5. antiant
    1 year

    You know it's always been in the back of my mind that the death of Gunther caused the ice age from the prehistoric era to happen. They've mentioned that Simon dying in Finn's wish world caused the crown to mourn his death and freeze the world as a result.

  6. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I swear, the more I see of Bubblegum the more I hate her. She's like the United States: only ever concerned with her people's safety and never the safety of everyone else. Like I don't care if she herself doesn't think she's a bad person, it's what others think of a person that defines whether they're bad or not, and she hasn't given any reason recently to actually defend herself. Her allowing the single Fire Giant to exist is basically "I know you had 100 nukes. I have 100 nukes too. I forcibly make you disarm 99 of them, but you can keep the last one while I keep all 100 of mine, to show you I'm a good person after all!"

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    1. Commenters avatar
      5 months

      She is a bad person but tbh every county has there people first no mater where you go. lol it’s not just the US.

  7. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I thought Gunther was voiced by Courtenay Taylor (OK KO and Matron of Ravens in Vox Machina)... but after Googling it, it turns out Gunther is voiced by Pamela Adlon who voices Bobby Hill!!! ?

  8. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I was waiting for the crown origin and the comet. Excited to see more. also a comet sticker would be super cool.

  9. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Oh boy, the comet

  10. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    PB has a really nice redemption arc. I love the way all of the characters in Adventure Time are flawed, but when they realize their flaws they try and work towards change in way that isn't linear. Bc real change isn't linear. It takes time, and you mess up and try again. One of my favorite things about the character writing in this show~

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      Oh definitely. Which sucks cuz most people look past PB's character growth in later seasons and only point out the mistakes she made. Which completely misses the point of her whole story.

      On the side note, Ice King's character growth isn't done by him, he doesn't really change but the characters around him does. Once they started treating him nicely, he mellows down quite alot. If you guys observe, IK doesn't kidnap princesses anymore. A character development that's done differently which I appreciate very much.

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      1. SillyDingus42
        1 year

        Okay well, I initially wrote a longer reply with better explanation, but was logged out as soon as I tried posting it and the text was lost (yay...) so here's my summarized reply:

        Some PB stans attack anyone who takes issue with her, even when they're first-time viewers who haven't reached her growth yet.

        If their point is to not hate people who MIGHT show growth EVENTUALLY, they need to realize that it makes total sense to get frustrated with someone who has massive amounts of power and authority doing shady stuff.

        Yes, people need to be given room to grow. But some people need to be called out first, harshly, in order to come to their senses. Sure, they need to be given a chance after and not entirely written off as "hopeless," but they might need the critique to initiate any degree of self-reflection. So someone seeing PB's growth and not giving her credit is frustrating, for sure, but it's also totally reasonable to hate on her actions prior to that.

  11. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Ok a bit of explaination of the Crown because this episode doesn't outright state it and it's easy to miss. The Crown grants the deepest wish of it's user. For Gunther it was to be like his master Evergreen. So the crown transformed him into a twisted version of Evergreen. This permentatly set the crowns power to transform anyone who would wear it into the same crazy bearded man. By default the Crown doesn't make it's user crazy. It's just that Gunther's wish had this sideffect.

    Also now you know the origin of the name Gunther. Though Ice King's penguin Gunther has nothing else to do with the original Gunther.

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      Also btw even giving ice powers is not something the Crown does by default. That's a sideffect of Gunther's wish too. The Crown's only original power is to grant a wish.

  12. blueghost199
    1 year

    season 6 episode 24 is about Set in the Prehistoric Era, Evergreen and his apprentice Gunter have to stop a comet heading towards Earth. Set in the Prehistoric Era, Evergreen and his apprentice Gunter have to stop a comet heading towards Earth.

  13. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    The way Gunther instantly slapped his little dino friend/pet when he was frustrated was a very effective brief way to show how abusive behavior is learned. The episode also does a good job portraying how he is just quite simple-minded more than anything (which I guess makes sense because he was an ordinary animal whose brain was altered.)

  14. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Glad to see you all understand and know how the crow was made now

  15. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Can't believe how important the crown became in this story. Now you guys know the origins of the crown, pretty complex lore it has haha.

  16. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Oh something the show never explains is the Finn sword actually boost fins physical abliity by the amount he had at the time, so anyone that uses the sword will get Finn's physical abliity as of the time the sword was made. So for Finn he gets his double

  17. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Evergreen is such an important episode glad you all are seeing it now

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      I'm glad they understood how the crown works cuz most people and reactors tend to misinterpret it.

  18. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    As the name implies yes Grables 1000+ takes palace 1000 years after the show

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      I'm referring to the Grable's Flashback, where PB is in bed and the Starchy scene happens. That scene about the rabbit shirt he's wearing happens the day after "Jake from Brick" and before "The Cooler," I mentioned it so it doesn't seem like PB didn't learn anything.

  19. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    The Cooler

    PB's lowest point, after hundreds of years of existence PB became unable to trust people (Due to the dangers of OOO that she faced alone [Bandits, Oozers and all kinds of Monsters without a Hero like Billy to help her] as well as betrayals [Choko(Who she wanted to trust and ended up only hurting her and Shoko dying without knowing PB the truth for more or less 500 years and well episode 4 ""Bonnibel Bubblegum"" of the season 10]), unable to trust people or at least her own children, her only alternative was to spy and prepare to solve each situation on her own, in order to protect her people, this desire, her mission of her ENTIRE long life CONSUMED her. turning her into a Hermit and paranoid. And when she saw on her cameras Flame Princess's brother insistently asking to end the Candy kingdom with his "Mysterious Weapon of Mass Destruction" and Flame Princess not removing that alternative from her options, PB had to know what that was. weapon, she HAD to protect her children and her kingdom, so PB made that DIRTY play, causing Flame Princess to show him her weapons and when she found out that each of them was an incendiary bomb capable of annihilating any kingdom INCLUDING hers, she tried to disarm it so NO ONE would have it, and once the fight was over and PB came clean to Flame Princess and when she told her that spying on people was wrong, PB who had done this for hundreds of years years and without anyone telling her otherwise she tells him that (That's what I do I'm PB), BUT when Flame Princess told her that she was a horrible person, PB's attitude changes, she realizes how low she fell and allows Flame Princess to keep the last Golem, promising her to remove the chambers from the Fire kingdom, PB does this (Although Flame Princess's brother is still more than willing to end the Candy kingdom, she decides to TRUST Flame Princess) and then she sees the rest of her cameras (And sees who she really is, not a princess but a paranoid who isolated herself from normal people) and sees Finn and Jake, her best friends, just playing; and she listens to the song "It's an endless cycle", THAT has been her life since she was born, and if she wanted to be a good person she had to change, if she wanted not to be a monster she had to end that cycle of mistrust, finally she cuts it off ALL cameras wishing to change for the better. This is seen in Pajama War, where PB tries to have a calm day and not think about only her kingdom before her and her mental health, where she spends quality time with Finn reinforcing their FRIENDSHIP by focusing on now and not tomorrow.

    Is PB a good person? ABSOLUTELY NO, but not because she is evil at heart [Goliad was influenced by Jake's bad attitude and misinterpretation of Finn's advice, Goliad was influenceable and corruptible not evil by nature], but because she was unable to trust the people for so many centuries (Both for all the experiences she has lived as well as seeing every kingdom or friendship not "immortal" like her fall and die) She must change and improve as a person and this was the first step. And NO Grables 1000+ happens BEFORE this episode (The shirt PB is wearing is from the rabbit from the episode "Jake the Brick"), you already know what Cartoon Network is like and its production changes, let's not misinterpret things please.

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    1. mirip
      1 year

      (ok before you read this sorry for the very long and messy reply and sorry if its confusing in any way which is properly is because I am not a native English speaker also I am not really good at explaining my point generally, also a lot of my criticism is politicalish in like me comparing it with similarities irl so I don't if it will make you uncountable or something,I am sorry but I feel like I've written a lot and it may sound too serious. I understand that your comment was serious as well, but i feel like mine comes across as a mood killer so I am being serious when I say u can just not read it if you don't want to )

      Ok let me start with saying Pb is a very weird character to me a lot of her action and excuses for everything represent acts of a corrupted government a higher oppressive power but the show at first treat her as a silly queen and all u know when the show wasn’t taking itself too seriously first couple seasons then the show began to kinda acknowledge her action as bad and Pb has both political power and resources that she use to keep everybody under her thump so know one can touch her kingdom now these action taking by Pb I am sorry to say does not make her jut a “bad person with flaws” it makes her a horrible person and an oppressor (and technically in one ep genocider) but yet the show keep providing her with silly friendlyish personality and kinda of a bit of justification for what she do so the show is trying say “she was in the wrong but its not that bad she was just angry she have good heart and she could say sorry and fix it” which is ok you the show we havnt been shown that there is much serious moral standers in the show to take her action too seriously but then the show started to get more serious it started to get weird cause now however u look at it Pb behave like a corrupted government and I geuss the show started to recognize that they actually made Pb too bad of a person so they took the direction of explaining her action by her personal mental issues ? character flaws and trust issues? idk it's just a weird direction, making a dictator character and then explaining them as mental issues or that she was trying her best kinda way…..

      One thing before I get to why I hate her personally I wanna state what I think about the whole “pb is a good friend and she cares for her people so much, she can't be a bad person” ,while these things are true this is what I believe: Pb is quite a horrible person, and one might even say she's a bit of a monster. However, it's also true that she possesses some good traits. For example, she cares for her loved ones. But here's the important part that many people fail to understand: someone having some good qualities does not equal them being good people. Just because a person is nice or caring in some ways, it doesn't mean that they can't be horrible and in a way a "villain". In fact, many war criminals and oppressive individuals have had some nice traits like caring for their families and stuff like that, but that doesn't change the fact that they are still monster criminals.

      Now on why I hate her personally …like I said Pb represents a lot of oppressive government actions in 2 ways

      1. I don’t think this first one meant to be taken seriously but her whole kingdom was built (by her) like real life as she makes her people on a way to be systemically depending on her so that they need her maybe? Making orphans or delinquents is very weird but that is how the system works you make some people at the bottom so they become threatening and need police like a class system, you know what I mean … we have seen her remove things from their memories or create a thing to help so having a class system is very questionable … but I think it's just more convenient for the plot … to her action that really stuck out I assume you know them like the ep they watched ,now I know u gonna say you are explaining her action ,but it seemed like u actually suggesting like some of her action were right and justifiable "she tried to disarm it so NO ONE would have it" its not her place to decide these stuff ,lets not forget that pb absolutely ready to create something this destructive in the name of thing u kept mentioning which is protecting her people ,and that's good and all but we all know pb doesn't "leave things to chances" so she have to make everyone weak and under her thump ,that just called oppression attacking a whole kingdom to make sure yours stays on top ,in the show she said its to keep her kingdom safe but its basically the same ,she does similar thing with her gumball machine fighters which is straight up genocide, now she said its because they’re violent but she built them to be that way also we see her countless of times fixing her creations brain or even delete something from it but yet she goes to genocide with no second thought....----->

      (so okay I am actually tired of writing not gonna lie so I am not gonna go through all of her political and war actions, so I am gonna say in short all of her terrible actions like spying on people ,genocide , trying to force lemonhope into revelation, especially for someone his age, blah blah blah …are all avoidable and unjustifiable and what both she and the show justified by is what corrupted governments justify their crimes , in the government case they're lying and they just want power and resources , in her case she isn’t lying and she does want to protect her people from “chances” and she achieve that by taking power and resources, and in both cases the action isn’t justifiable, even if pb is truthfull about her intent it doesn’t change a thing cause irl government excuses arnt good or right they just make it digestible enough for people to say“oh well..”)

      Now her personality which I am separating from her political role ……. I am not gonna lie to Pb is straight-up ABNOXIS, her whole proving she is better authority than anyone, ruining Treetrunk's wedding for selfish reasons even after being proven wrong, and her beef with any princess always seemed like out of jealousy or feeling of superiority like the whole slime princess situation, and for some reason raggedy princess thing u know exactly what out of pocket line I am talking about…

      and her whole scientisty shindig is just putting people in danger, bro caused 2 zombie attacks … she also was willing to experiment on Fp and change things in her and please don’t say the 15-16 years old kid consented, you realize how messed up that shit sound … it's like making an underage kid sign something serious.. and eughhh this whole “ I am a woman of science, magic dumb”(which in itself weird considering their world) was so damn annoying like it just remind me of so many people who just want to start problem for no reason and no respect for other individuals..

      she is self-obsessed, has a lot of narcissism, never respects privacy or boundaries, and puts herself in positions that require empathy while she herself lacks a lot in that department putting herself in these situations hurts others and she knows she is not up to the emotional task yet she has taken it anyway.

      now her and fin relationship, I actually believe it’s a good one for the most part other than season 1, I don’t think Pb is “leading Fin on“ like some might say I believe it's a very onesided crush … now him being her child fighter is not that weird perse but him still doing labor for her and still get taxed is wild ngl but that goes to her politics so ama move on from it … she id a great friend to fin, she lacks communication skill but that doesn’t bother me really.



      Now her and marcy relationship problems in the show I would say Marcy is the one on the offensive side PB never was shown to be the one to start the problem until……

      “Adventure Time Distant Lands” now PB is “redeemed” She is a nice person and caring and yeah if I separate everything thing she has done in the past she is likable …. Now the show tries to show us how PB and Marcy broke up and they do it by showing that both sides were bad … now I was with them at first from observation Pb is neglecting and Marcy is carless and childish and won't seem to stop trying to distract pb from an important mission but they just had to make Pb say “Monster Trash”… I am telling you the writer just wanted me to dislike her wtf? .. like I am sorry looking at Marcy and her whole world “Monster Trash” doesn’t sound like anything but a Deragotory Term like nah bro she could have called her a child or a jerk or whatever, these things don’t just come out because u r mad .. like I was on her side at first but nah like there no excuse for her ….. and Marcy goes and calls her a “dictator” like so we aknowliging it ??? it is a bad real thing in their socity ?? and Marcy babygirl tf u mean dictator? A DICTATOR that u was dating!! And u were fine with it …. Ok back to “redeemed” Pb expecting her girl to fail and then she gets to solve the problem and even tells her that to her face, like damn sister… like I don’t think that last thing means that much but doing it after the flashback just doesn’t help pb case at all….



      Now I can tolerate Pb, I even think she has a lot of the funniest moments in AT, other than that she just really represents personalities I hate irl and government irl, and believe me I am not a hateful person I rarely hate, I am one of them “hate such a strong words” gals, but the show just put what little thing I hate in the world and people into this character for some reason … like genially if she wasn’t a dictator and her relationship with fp is non exsisting and other little things like the magic dumb yabbing ,she be my favorite even with those gone she still gonna be a shitty person but those traits alone never bother me that much like I understand the appeal in her :she is relatable in social aspect she is very funny .. but I feel like you have to ignore so much to like her and I really can't sense I deal with people and ideas like her on the daily .

      Expand 1 reply
      1. ikaryzero
        1 year

        I'm sorry but everything you said it's what makes her my favorite character, shes flawed, and so incredible unique, she has so much progress as the show go on that I can't help but completely love her, you should see the Sarcastic Chorus review on her and Marceline, people usally don't get complex characters (especially when they're women), you should really re-try see her under a new light.

    2. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      "I made Goliad using my DNA"

      Later on.

      "Why is stormo a good guy instead of evil like Goliad?"

      "Because I used your DNA Finn"

      Bubblegum is evil down to her DNA

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      1. Commenters avatar
        1 year

        But wasnt it jake the reason why golliad acted like that. jake screamed and ordered people around then golliad copied him

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        1. Commenters avatar
          1 year

          It wasn't necessarily a matter of good or evil with Goliad. The biggest difference between Stormo and Goliad as well as PB and Finn is that Stormo(Finn) is stoic by nature whereas Goliad(PB) isn't and is more very impressionable and calculating by nature allowing for easier negative influence. Goliad saw the efficiency in the negativity and decided to use it to their advantage because they cared more about results than the actions to get there. Stormo saw the immediate moment and how their actions will affect people in that moment. It's just a fundamentally different view on the world and how to handle it.

    3. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      Yeah as informative as this is it contains a few spoilers that they wouldn't notice until they read it

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      1. Commenters avatar
        1 year

        Don't worry, I just wanted to give context, I'll be more careful with spoilers, I love this show and I don't want to make mistakes.

      2. Commenters avatar
        1 year


    4. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      Also Yes PB is a good person just she hs had a hard past and that made her make bad choices

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      1. Commenters avatar
        1 year

        Ok I think from all my previous comments it is obvious that I adore PB, it's just that she is undeniable and in Future episodes (Season 7 ep 25) she will say it herself, "even if it was with good intentions she made mistakes", again I'm just giving the context of why she is the way she is, PB is not evil.

    5. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      The time is off but I can't say more as of now for spoiler reasons, and you really shouldn't put all that down since it has spoilers in it

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      1. Commenters avatar
        1 year

        I'll be careful with the spoilers, I love the show and I don't want to ruin anyone :D

      2. Commenters avatar
        1 year

        Ok, just mention what we've seen so far in the series, Shoko, the fact that PB has lived for hundreds of years, her isolation from social interactions from "The Suitor". I have NOT mentioned anything about the episode "Season 10 Ep4", only that there will be an answer in this one, I haven't spoilered anything, I'm careful, don't worry


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