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Adventure Time S5 Episode 49-52 REACTION

Adventure Time | 1 year ago
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  1. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    LSP is funny but something I hate about her is how selfish and arrogant she is, it literally ruins everything. Funny character but I kind of hate her.

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  2. Commenters avatar
    Byte D. Wolf
    1 year

    42:24. Keith David would like to have a word.

  3. jdyt_69
    1 year

    Why is the screen circle now

    id understand if its on youtube but here on the site? why cant it be shown fully like the previous episodes

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    1. Commenters avatar
      11 months


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      1. Commenters avatar
        11 months

        Got a chuckle out of this

  4. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Adventure Time wasn't held back by the Network from being the mature show it is in it's later seasons, the show is as wacky and non-serious as it is during the first 3 seasons because that's how it's creator Pendleton Ward intended to be. The deeper story was something that the staff of the series decided to go for as the show continued to be renewed for more seasons, and it's also because Pendleton Ward himself decided to step down from the position of showrunner during the production of season 5 because of stress, leaving the direction of the show to his coworker Adam Muto who Is the True Mastermind behind Adventure Time's transformation into a more story-driven and mature Cartoon.

    This also goes for Amphibia, the first season of the show is way more laid-back and silly than the rest because the creator Matt Braly wanted the audience to first familiarize themselves with the characters, that way the struggles and hurdles those same characters go through in the future would hit harder and have more emotional impact.

    Don't forget that just because a show has serious themes and a continuous story it means that the creators intended that show to be enjoyed by older people but somehow couldn't because "the network didn't allow them" (this does happen but it's not the point here), if that were the case then those same creators would have just created a cartoon with Adults as a target demographic. It could be that people like Adam Muto and Matt Braly simply didn't want to underestimate the intelligence of kids and pre-teens and made shows that would give them both silly and wacky situations mixed with serious stuff that could enjoy and understand.

    With Steven Universe is a bit of a different case... Because the priority of it's creator didn't seem to be telling a story.... but to get across an idea/ideology, although that would lead to whole separate discussion so I will leave it at that.

  5. fallen0096
    1 year

    That big tree was the tree house of Finn and Jake

  6. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    pretty sure rap bear was andy samberg

  7. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Hman did not grow up with these shows, trust me when cable was booming, these hit way harder for the audience. Respectfully these shows are one of the things that you kinda have to grow up with to genuinely understand how good they are. And why you need all those episodes in between.

  8. jemx27
    1 year

    Americans call it a tetter totter?!?! In Australia we call it a seesaw. I love finding out new things that Aussies call different then America. I thought I knew em all already. Nice

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    1. delanae
      1 year

      Oddly, we do also call them seesaws. I don’t know why it has two names, it seemed normal to me when I was a kid

  9. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Seeing OOO after 1000 years is simply sad, even after the mushroom war (that is, the current time of the series), the world was still alive, with magic and hope, but now everything is destroyed (The earth is almost infertile and dry , the Candy kingdom abandoned and destroyed, and who knows what is left of the world, this reminds me of the phrase ("NO ONE is eternal") everything rots and is forgotten, and OOO after 1000 years is the proof of that.

  10. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I am. So. READY for season 6!!!!

  11. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Something else to consider about why these shows start out so aimless is that there are no guarantees they will be greenlit for a next season. Such as Symbiotic Titan and The Secret Saturdays, both hugely interesting stories, but the ratings couldnt justify the network "okaying" further seasons. Adventure time specifically did a really good job of giving its target audience exactly what they wanted in those early seasons. So by now, coming into the back half of the series, their base audience has grown and matured right along with Finn giving them the confidence to take riskier moves like playing up totally serious episodes, or total off the wall, tripping balls, lemony hope episodes.

  12. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    That was a big tree lemon hope stopped to look at.

  13. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Other creative cartoons they could react to

    Generator Rex,

    symbionic titain,

    the secret saturdays,

    Danny phantom

    Xiaolin showdown

    Batman beyond

    X-men evolution

    Legend of the dragon

    Jackie Chan adventures

    Ajin ( anime)

  14. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I see where billy is coming from but the silly episodes is also what makes it fun and the more serious and even dark stuff hit more harder because of the contrast

  15. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Heck yeah season 6!!

    Fun fact, the connection between Marceline and Ice King was made cuz they needed an excuse as to why IK knew Marceline's song (shown in Holy Jolly Secrets)

  16. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Yeah it will be more and more story heavy, especially after the middle of next season. It will shift a lot from the carefree first seasons (this was kind of a preview). Not that is bad, it is bonkers but it is no longer classic Adventure Time. Can wait for Ruff to freak out at the end of every episode:-)

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    1. blitz1126
      1 year

      it kinda disappoints me that story driven cartoons having episodic seasons are considered fluff, or not as important. adventure time was adventure time from the beginning. there is 'no cutting the fat' because the writers did what they wanted, their focus just so happened to change as the series went on. i dont get the obsession with story over enjoying the ride and ive been seeing that alot in the animation community.

  17. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    The cyclical nature of the AT world is one of the most depressing, for me at least. Knowing that the Candy Kingdom is fated to repeat humanity's mistakes is so ://

  18. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    what makes me love adventure time even more from here on out is how it makes you care about the world and characters in the kingdom besides just our main crew. can't wait for season 6 it gets even crazier !

  19. wynosaurus
    1 year

    Adventure Time began when I was 9 and ended when I was 18, the show really grew with it’s audience quite a bit and with the recent additions of Disntant Lands and Fionna and Cake it’s honestly still growing with its audience

  20. Commenters avatar
    1 year


  21. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Whenever you have tbe time, y'all should check out the Adventure Time pilot for Nickolodeon, where P. Ward was initially aiming for, but Nick ended up passing on it, then years later CN got it and popped out the first, and etc, season/s. I used to watch that short all the time and was sooooo excited when Cartoon Network announced it. I do wonder what kinda show it would have been if Nick greenlit it, but at the same time, with the mergers, we then probably would never have gotten the definitely more adult/mature continuations of Adventure Time: Distant Lands and Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake.

    Also Im in the Camp that Phlenol(sp?) Is Bubblegum, for multiple reasons shown( the way he spoke, the talk of treaties and the german, and the zanoites which Bubblegum has also talked about with Ricardio, also their initials both being P.B. and other stuff) and reasons not yet seen. It's a long debated topic that we still don't have a definitive answer to. Is he his own person, or is he Bubblegum in disguise, helping/teaching him in a way he'd understand vs her original methodology. I personally believe yes, it was Bubblegum.

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      Finns VA, Jeremy Shada, his older brother actually was the original VA for Finn for the Nick version, but obviously since he grew older when it finally came about, Jeremy took over as Finns VA. I thought that was a neat thing.

  22. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Can't wait for season 6, it's gonna slap

  23. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Man I can't wait for the next eps

  24. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Yes, the implication is that the cloud traveling guy is Bubblegum in disguise. He speaks some German and mentions zanoits like her. They both have the same initials, and the same number of syllables and the same number of letters in their names. His words make it clear he's been watching Lemonhope in the desert for some time, but he didn't help him until he absolutely had to. He would have no reason to do that, but Bubblegum probably wanted to test him.

    Lemonhope's hair always makes me think of Steven. They both also have that "expected to be a savior" thing going on.

  25. Commenters avatar
    1 year


  26. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Nobody say nothing about NOTHING! The people who know what I'm talking about, shut it!

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      You talking about s6? Cause if you are I’m super excited

  27. Commenters avatar
    1 year


  28. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    This is probably one of the top three stretches of Adventure Time episodes for me


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