Adventure Time S5 Episode 1-4 REACTION
Adventure Time S5 Episode 5-8 REACTION
Adventure Time S5 Episode 9-12 REACTION
Adventure Time S5 Episode 13-16 REACTION
Adventure Time S5 Episode 17-20 REACTION
Adventure Time S5 Episode 21-24 REACTION
Adventure Time S5 Episode 25-28 REACTION
Adventure Time S5 Episode 29-32 REACTION
Adventure Time S5 Episode 33-36 REACTION
Adventure Time S5 Episode 37-40 REACTION
Adventure Time S5 Episode 41-44 REACTION
Adventure Time S5 Episode 45-48 REACTION
Adventure Time S5 Episode 49-52 REACTION
Amphibia Season 2 Episode 1 REACTION
X-MEN 97 Episode 1-2 Reaction
Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story Reaction
(Gold) Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island
Cowboy Bebop Live Action Episode 1 Group REACTION
Spreading Democracy To Your Mom – Helldivers Gameplay Part 1
Corpse Bride Movie Group Reaction
(uncut) Gravity Falls Episode 1-2 REACTION
Mob Psycho Episode 1-2 REACTION
TMNT (2003) Season 1 Episode 1-2
Knuckles Episode 1-6 Reaction
Star Wars Rogue One Reaction
The Lion King REACTION
One Piece Manga Bros Enies Lobby Part 1 + 2 (Featuring Merphy Napier)
Bleach: Memories of Nobody Movie REACTION
Making your way in the world today takes everything you've got
Just a heads up, the next new intro is season 6 episode 7.
Season 7 on is like pure lore and plot! Season 6 has a TON in it too, just not quite as condensed. But once you get to season 7 it's pretty much a ton of lore heavy mini series connected by a few episodes in-between.
So in the flame princess episode we see Cinnamon bun become super smart. This is because earlier in the series we've seen that cinnamon bun was "half baked" meaning he wasn't fully cooked. Getting hit by the fire finished cooking him so his brain works now
Simon and Betty give me so many feels. I forgot she was basically brought in at the halfway point tho. Stuff gets crazier from here.
What a good batch of episodes! I had no idea we were already to this point in the show!
Betty my beloved ?
When Ruff said 'Wtf s PB putting in the Candy Kingdom' omg. All I am going to say you are cooking
That call back to the armor of Zelderon though!
Adventure time is the only show where a sword made from the literal blood of a demon is perfectly fine but a sword made of grass is what's cursed.
The theory is Cinnamon was half-baked, but FP & his new home fully baked him. And also that he puts on a front to look dumb in PB now
There's a theory that cinnamon bun was under cooked, and with him staying in the fire kingdom, it's cooked him a little which led to his development and increasing maturity
Omg I freaking love this theory, I stay away from fandom so I've never heard it before! That's so good
Betty is so important and I can't wait until you see what happens with her
Betty and Simon are the goats
I really consider "Betty" to kind of be the delineation point for the halfway point of the show. Everything before it was great, but it starts getting really good from here. It's going to pick up a lot soon.
the theory about cinnamon bun is that he was half baked before, so being in the flame kingdom just ended up cooking him fully and making him not so stupid
This theory? It's my truth now.
I don't know how they didn't just bust out laughing at Marceline passing slap out!!
Can’t blame them, I was confused too when I first saw that scene lol
The RattleBall's were, that is, ROBOTS, now it was VERY RADICAL to destroy them, yes, but PB also designed them to be guards, not sadistic murderers, in the flashback it is seen that for a small crime like a robbery, they KILLED living beings and left them in the middle of a mound of corpses, and the confirmation that sooner or later they would be a threat (like Goliad was) was when PB IN PERSON saw how they murdered each other without any kind of mercy. What would happen if a banana guard stumbled upon one? ?, or an innocent person threatened with death to commit a crime approaches it (Like what happened to Shoko). PB made the COLDEST but at the same time sensible decision (Since if she reprogrammed them they would no longer be ROBOTS with Consciousness but just tools, and that is practically killing them anyway), PB at the end of the episode realizes the change in RB'Swordman (Which says that it took DONES OF YEARS TO SEE A MORE PEACEFUL PATH) so NO, the RB were not citizens, they were a threat.
everything with power was considered a threat to PB. These are her creations she made intentional or not. Its not like she's never taken extreme measures before. they wouldve been useful for the season finale, or and other reveals. (that i will not spoil)
She took the most extreme measure to deal with the problem, and its not even the worst thing she's done.
Betty is such a game changing episode.
Funny story about Finn's scream, his voice actor, Jeremy Shada, could only scream like that once so the production crew just kept using it the rest of the show!
The Grass sword is one my top 3 favoritis of Finn's swords.
yay it works!
I can’t seem to watch the reaction, when I click refresh it doesn’t show the play button. And I’m a diamond member.
I'm sure you fixed it by now. But many times the site makes you reconfirm your patreon. And until you do it won't let you play video. If it happens try scrolling down and see if it says connect with patreon
yeah, the video is messing up for most people
I can't watch the reaction
Me either
After 6 they are short, but, they're all long story arcs, so, almost no fillers (there are, but not as extensive as the first 6 seasons) just pure story/history/setups/arc for/to the finale.
Grass Sword is of my favs, and that C.B glow up was everything, he just needed room to grow and people that actually believed in him, instead of babying/dismissing him all the time.
nah he just needed to finish baking
there isnt filler in the series. even the silly episodes and plots had callbacks or just helped add to the characters. filler doesnt rly work with western animation
Yeah me either haha
same :(
H-Man saying IK is ugly nxjcnxsn I can't wait for the Season 9 special xD