Adventure Time S5 Episode 1-4 REACTION
Adventure Time S5 Episode 5-8 REACTION
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Adventure Time S5 Episode 17-20 REACTION
Adventure Time S5 Episode 21-24 REACTION
Adventure Time S5 Episode 25-28 REACTION
Adventure Time S5 Episode 29-32 REACTION
Adventure Time S5 Episode 33-36 REACTION
Adventure Time S5 Episode 37-40 REACTION
Adventure Time S5 Episode 41-44 REACTION
Adventure Time S5 Episode 45-48 REACTION
Adventure Time S5 Episode 49-52 REACTION
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Get used to episodes with guest animators like the cgi one
The common theory about the episode Puhoy is that Finn actually travelled to another reality and lived a whole life there, but that the reason he almost immediately forgot about it when he came back it's because that Red Creature at the End Swallowed/Destroyed the entire dimension right after Finn died, and since Finn got there through his dreams and not physically... once the dimension was destroyed his memories of it also were erased.
Which is..... a really sad and depressing situation if you think about it.
I totally missed that joke in the glitch episode when Finn said whoever animates the stuff must have no life what so ever, yeah I would animate him punching himself at that one too.
Something I've always loved about Tom Kenny's voice acting is the differences between Simon and the Ice King. Like it's clearly the same voice, but Simon is quiet and reserved whereas Ice King is pitched higher and speaks more frantically. And his transitions between the two when Simon wears the crown always scratches my brain in the best way haha. I think it's heard best when he starts singing Cheers theme at the end of the episode. It's just so fantastic!
Sorry I just have so many thoughts - and at the end of the song when Simon's voice is coming out of Ice King??? I cry every time
Simon and Marxy is such a good episode and Puhoy one of the best standalone episodes of the season and HOLY SHIT I had no idea that He showed up so early in the show I totally forgot about that cameo the foreshadowing in this show is top notch.
So either this is a representation of our real universe if the bombs dropped, which is a lot more terrifying, or Norm Macdonald exists in Adventure Time, which is hilarious
I personally don't believe our dreams end when we wake up, that is if they are alternate lives.
A bunch of my dreams from years ago occasionally pop back up and I have a continuation dream. In one of them I had spent years in an apocalyptic world with a gf I got spend a lot of time with then more recently I started dreaming of spending a good few years with the kids that we had.
Most of my dreams are forgotten the second I awake, but those special few are eternal.
On the Marcy being vampire at this point or not thing. All I'm gonna say is her ears are pointy and she has fangs bc of her dad. If you look back at the episodes with him in it he has the same grey skin, pointed ears and fangs she has. Bc he's a demon that sucks souls.
Oh wow I didn't expect to see a certain big character cameo this early that's nuts. Also y'all need to see Junji Ito's "the long dream" if you're freaking out about dreams that's a good one
Looking back on Simon & Marcy it actually makes a lot more sense to interpret it as Marceline's child mind recanting the traumatic experiences in a friendlier and easier to cope with way. That or Marceline just told the story in a more pleasant manner. Some of the things being said and actions don't really make sense in the context otherwise. Such as Simon trying so hard to find "chicken soup" which were probably antibiotics for Marcy's illness and the "Soupery" building they found actually being a pharmacy. It could probably be imagined that the mutants were way more nightmare fueled looking mutations of people that couldn't escape the radiation. That episode is so much worse if you put it in a more realistic context which I believe is what they were going for whenever it came to Simon & Marcy episodes. Truly tragic
People often try to make Simon and Marcy seem darker than it appears by attaching alternate meanings to certain details, but in doing so completely miss how dark the episode really is. Simon is slowly losing his mind while still trying to hold on to the old world. He’s so focused on chicken soup because that’s what you would feed someone with a fever and cough before the war. You even see it in his choice of TV show when he chooses to re create Cheers and how he sings the theme in order to try and hold on to his sanity. This isn’t some rosé tinted glasses retelling, it’s just a sad part of their story which ties into past revelations such as Ice King capturing princesses in an attempt to recapture Betty, and him continuing to find Marcy every time she moves and wanting to hangout. It’s showing how even back then he was trying to hold onto the past and his sanity. Altering the events in an attempt to make the episode seem darker doesn’t fit the narrative and takes away from how sad and dark the episode is already
never thought about that. feels so surreal to this blow my mind years later.
The Simon and Marcy episode was one I remember all of my friends freaking out over when the trailers and plot synopsis came out. It's so good! Also, I feel like some of the clips in the new Fiona and Cake trailer are like beat for beat the same as in this episode, so I wonder if it'll be through a different perspective, or with additional scenes or something? I'm excited for it!
Jake is right, never let your brain fester there is no good kind of festering
Also Rasheeta is voiced by Wallace Shawn, INCONCEIVABLE!
It IS Jonathan Frakes! Riker himself. That makes the TNG connection much more plausible.
Episode 16 reminded me of the TNG episode The Inner Light.
I remember when the glitch episode first aired i was actually in a thunderstorm so it had actual glitches and at some point it just froze and my dumb child mind thought it was part of the episode
were you on the east coast at that time? I remember the stormy weather the same day, too!
This was one of four episodes with different artstyles/writers/directors that aren't canon to the show.
Episode 15 also had the glitchy opening, you just skipped it before noticing it.
i felt bad for siman cause in a way simon sacrificed himself to keep marcy that he probably saw as a daughter safe in the post nuked world
Puhoy might make more sense if you remember what the hologram Enchiridion guide said about the multiverse and neighboring dimensions
Every now and then they'll get guest animators in to do weird episodes. They usually end up trippy, creepy or gross. Sometimes all 3.
Any episode that has different animations is a non-cannon episode
A lot of people theorize that Simon & Marcy was darker- like a pharmacy and ambulance but has been rewritten since it's such an early memory. Also, that Simon and the crown is what made Marcy sick or that she was never sick but Simon's dropping temperature made hime think so
That completely misses the point of how dark and sad the episode is though. The whole point of Simon singing Cheers, and trying to find Chicken Soup is that he is trying to hold onto his sanity and the old world. Chicken soup is what you would give someone with a fever and a cough before the war. It’s supposed to tie into how the Ice King kidnaps princesses to recapture Betty and how he tracks down Marcy every time she moves to hang out. He’s someone who’s always trying to hold onto the past even back then. Changing the events to seem darker doesn’t fit the already dark and sad narrative
This is going to be controversial, I know a lot of people think Iroh gives really good wisdom and he does but I think when you really look at it a lot of his advice is just common sense. If you really want to see absolute gems of wisdom I think Jake is the peak.
u watched that classicman d short, didnt u
The oozers were the result of humans getting mutated
Ok thank god they did the second episode with the special opening. Disregard whatever I said.
Hope you guys remember that red guy, you’ll see him later hehe. This was a fun set of episodes
it's insane how much foreshadowing there is
Bro they skipped new the intro
they saw it on the next episode tho because of HBO fucking things up as usual
The next special opening is Season 6 episode 7.
Oh no you guys skipped the special opening for episode 15. I would suggest watching at least the first few seconds of the openings. There are special openings sprinkled through out the show
try not skip openings, or atleast check if theres any change to not miss unique ones
tbf there are only like 6 unique ones and one is UGGO
Simon and Marcy + Puhoy are 2 of my favourite episodes hands down