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Adventure Time S3 Episode 9-10 REACTION

Adventure Time | 1 year ago
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  1. Commenters avatar
    6 months

    So this is where what ice king was singing in the finale came from 

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  2. Commenters avatar
    11 months

    What was Missing is far and away my favorite early-ish episode.

  3. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    All the Rebecca Sugar episodes are the best ones lol, at least the best one shots.

  4. jdyt_69
    1 year

    this episode made me fall in love with marceline back then when i was a kid

    Marceline best girl

  5. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Oh I can’t wait for them to catch up to the fiona and cake show

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      It does such a good job at wrapping up the loose ends after the series ended. No spoilers but it probably has both some of the most heartwarming and also horrifying moments of the whole series lol

  6. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I actually went as Marshall Lee for Halloween last year


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