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Adventure Time: Distant Lands Episode 3 Reaction

Adventure Time | 8 months ago
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  1. Commenters avatar
    6 months


    Warning: Undefined variable $current_user_roles in /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/sorta-stupid-2025/functions/walkers/Custom_Comment_Walker.php on line 235
  2. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    So, was that beginning implying that finn just carried around jakes frozen corpse for a while after he died? Cause the metal clanging could have been him just punching the ice, and the way dream jake said everyone survived leads me to believe he got frozen to death some how.

  3. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    “What if they reincarnate into Fiona and cake?” I’m pretty sure they actually end up as those two from the final episode of adventure time, the ones that talk to bmo. Plus they can’t be Fiona and cake for reasons you’ll see when you watch that series

  4. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    Loved seeing your reactions for this series from start to finish it’s been a journey . Wish H Man would’ve stuck around would’ve loved to see his reactions to these eps especially the last one he would’ve loved it but hope he watches it in his own time and watches Fiona and cake as well. I know y’all are gonna love it. 

  5. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    I cant belive you guys actualy finished adventure time it felt like it flew by watching them all again hereI AM SOOO ready for fionna and cake omg

  6. p.eachyweachy
    8 months


  7. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    I think they weren't sure how many episodes they were getting of distant lands. And episode 3 was going to be the end, but they got the green light for one more, so they did the peppermint butler one. But the pep butt one is important to Fiona and Cake! So it does add to everything. 

  8. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    Heads up. A BMO-centric preschool show, an Adventure Time movie, a spin-off of Finn & Jake shorts (I think), and season 2 of Fionna and Cake were all greenlit according to social media the other day! It's a good year for Adventure Time! ??

  9. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    RIP to Tree Trunks voice actors

  10. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    You guys have actually already seen the reincarnations of Finn and Jake. It's Beth and Shermy we see in the last episode of original AT series. 

  11. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    I love adventure time so much, absolutely my favorite series and I always get so emotional watching certain episodes, this being a big one for me. Excited for Fiona and cake but I'm so sad that it's almost over

  12. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    Fun fact when Finn and Jake are attempting to contact PB and they reach Pepppermint Butler he mutters some incoherent phrasd. If you actually reverse the phrase he is saying 'Kee-oth rama  keep off my pancake' which is the same spell Joshua used to banish the demon he got the demon sword from. This was Peppermint Butler covering his bases in case a demon was trying to get in.

    Homeboy had dabbled in dark magic so much he was ready for the smoke. 

  13. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    I cannot express just how excited I am that you're finally going into Fionna and Cake next week. It's going to be a wild ride!

  14. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    Wait until they find out an Adventure Time movie just got announced along with two different spinoff series

  15. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    the reason for the weird episode ordering stuff is exactly what Boom guessed, they planned for 3 eps and were given a fourth very late in the game so they gave it to a new writing team and essentially rushed it through development.

  16. sguy90
    8 months

    Glad you saw this episode last, you get how this was meant to be the finale. Now onto to Fionna and Cake, then you're all caught up. You'll definitely enjoy F and C after watching all of this.

  17. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    I think ep 3 was always supposed to be the final ep, but these were being finished up during the height of Covid and due to time constraints ep 3 was finished before ep 4 and so were released as such. Either way I'm glad all viewers have kind of always recommended they be switched around.

  18. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    Episode 4 was originally never planned; Episode 3 was originally WAS the finale but then the network wanted another episode so they basically made Wizard City as a leftover idea. 

  19. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    They probably reincarnated as shermy and bethAlso I think a finn and jake reboot was announced

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    1. Commenters avatar
      8 months

      2 spin-offs and a movie was announced. 

  20. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    So excited for you all to see Fionna and Cake and I have absolutely loved you all reacting to this series

  21. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    FYI death and tree trunks VAs died that's who two of the in memories of were dedicated to and I'd assume why OG death never got to speak before being replaced 

  22. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    one thing that I had a problem with, in regard to eps 4, was we see pep butts as his normal self in this eps, in the 'future' after finn and jake died, but in eps 4 when he's a kid again because of the dumdum juice, it takes place not too long after the gum wars, Peps purged the evil version of himself, to be his own new person. So seeing him aged up and his normal self just made that whole eps pointless pretty much. I dunno, I guess he's just destined to be (good) evil? lol I dunno. I have to look at it as a seperate thing, not tied in with the continuity, except for the fact it DOES have a plot device needed for Fiona and Cake. Anyways, this episode never fails to make me cry everytime. Now its time for Fiona and Cake!

    Also, there's a Finn and Jake movie in the works, and 2 new spin off shows, on top of Fiona and Cake s2. Such blessings.

    Expand 1 reply
    1. Commenters avatar
      8 months

      Yeah but the spin-off shows aren't cannon and are made for very young kids

  23. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    According to wiki it the order was because of poor planning by HBO; basically only the first three were intended, and then a fourth was randomly approved; as to not ruin the series viewer retention, Together Again was just... released as intended, unfortunately being followed by the fourth special, Wizard City

    "On April 21, 2021, HBO Max announced that the airing sequence of "Wizard

    City" and "Together Again" would be switched, with the latter airing

    before the former

    After this announcement, Adam Muto explained that, initially, only

    three specials had been ordered, but that "Wizard City" was added on

    later and was the actual last special to be made."

  24. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    If i remember correctly, i think there was some kind of production issue with Peppermint's episode and they were forced to aired this one before, but i think this was planned to be the finale

  25. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    Fans have theorized that Finn and Jake reincarnated into Shermy and Beth in the future seen in the AT Finale. Fionna and Cake are just fan fiction versions of Finn and Jake

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    1. Commenters avatar
      8 months

      I mean it's more then a theory

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      1. SillyDingus42
        7 months

        Was it ever actually confirmed though?

  26. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    I didn't think they could make me feel worse about their fate after the ending of the show but here we are

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    1. Commenters avatar
      8 months

      everyone dies eventually

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      1. Commenters avatar
        8 months

        yes but in this world alot of their friends live forever

  27. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    It made so much sense for Finn to have the arm since he spent most of his life with a cybernetic one

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    1. Commenters avatar
      8 months

      He also always loved bionic arms

  28. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    Sadness ;-;


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