Adventure Time S4 Episode 19-20 REACTION

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  1. FaalofMan20
    8 months

    Lady, in the igloo, spoke specifically as: "That's right. I'm little bit too worrying sometimes. I always get haunted by this nightmare where half-dead bodies are attacking my house! My uncle, aunt-in-law, and cousins are all present; I even hear the baby crying coming from the upstairs. I just wished that I could protect my family — I become too stressful during that dream; I even grind my own teeth! (Grinds teeth) When I wake up in the morning, my teeth are cracked up! I usually try to forget about it, thinking that it's just a dream or I'm being paranoid, but I was actually attacked by these half-dead bodies twice!"

  2. Fresh2000
    1 year

    ricardo is back, pb and lady raincorn teamup, jake a dad insane ep

  3. Fresh2000
    1 year

    this is back when finn was one of my favs

  4. Philip
    1 year

    please explain what the 12 and a half rabbits is, like, is the half one half something else too? or is it just missing half of it and just struggling?

  5. Kemi
    1 year

    Lady and Peebles is like in my top ten adventure time episodes, it's so freaking good. Didn't they actually win a pretty big award for this episode? I seem to recall it being a big deal

  6. Logan
    1 year

    Leave it to HBO to mix up the episodes, because the episode You Made Me should have been next.

  7. HEX
    1 year

    Sorta stupid fight winner- Boom without a doubt

    1 replies
    1. Geo
      1 year


  8. DeadHubris
    1 year


    1 replies
    1. PushyDruid
      1 year

      If they do another 5 episode drop it will for sure be in that batch. Ep 25 if we're thinking the same ep. I can't wait, im so excited

  9. Shawn
    1 year

    I've heard that a lot of what Lady Rainicorn says is just dirty jokes in Korean

  10. Icy
    1 year

    Who would win is meant to be episode 21 in both version of the order on the wiki. The original order is the way the show is meant to be watched if you click on that option on the wiki

  11. someone_8627
    1 year

    I hope the order of the episodes won't be jumbled in future seasons as much (but that's on HBO), the sequence of the episodes are gonna be more important later on.

    I was waiting for "You Made Me" as that is the 20th and one of my favourites, but I'll be happy to see it on the next reaction.

  12. drac
    1 year

    lady and peebles is one of my favorite adventure time episodes, its nice to finally get here! pb is in my top two of favorite adventure time characters and this was one of her best eps

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