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1 year
If you guys see this, Ronaldo was actualy right since the start of the show!
The diamond authority and Rose being pink diamond was planned since the 1 season of the show, and since everyone thought ronaldo was crazy, They just said the plot of the entire show in ronaldo's words.
I's truly amazing. LOL.
1 replies
1 year
i was thinking this especially w the "they will take on any form" meaning P Diamond as Rose
If you guys see this, Ronaldo was actualy right since the start of the show!
The diamond authority and Rose being pink diamond was planned since the 1 season of the show, and since everyone thought ronaldo was crazy, They just said the plot of the entire show in ronaldo's words.
I's truly amazing. LOL.
i was thinking this especially w the "they will take on any form" meaning P Diamond as Rose